Lyrics for San Francisco from Samurai Champloo by Midicronica (Ending #6)

Yeah good morning

Hitori okidasu umou no shita
mata atarashii seikatsu ni hariototsu
mada usuguraku tomoru gaitou ga
sewashinakute choushin kizamu guideline

Taikutsu wa ikutsuka no fact itsuka mita kenshiki
kako o furikaeru actor and actress
I wouldn't miss it for the world

Get up get up
keep on moving slowly
good morning and good sunshine

Shinya kara asa kusunda kyoukaisen
mata chigau kotae sagasu kotai
chikyuu no ue aruku
shuuki wa ano hakusen no mukou ni aru taiyou

Tannaimon hannaimon wa naino? tte mayotte sagashite
itsu no manika asondeta hadashide
sosh!tara mata yoru ga me ga me o samashite

Asa kara ban hello! Mattaku motte no hoka no yami tokasuka
kasukani watasu kara hazumi chakuchi tsuki no Jasmine oyasumi

Get up get up walking

keep on moving

Get up get up walking

keep on moving

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
English lyrics not yet submitted.
Indeed, there's an entire section that is missing.

-- by ledahx at 2013-02-06 11:58:55

Asu-chan is right. There's a part after "I wouldn't miss it for the world" that is in japanese. He says "bogaa bogaa" or something and sounds drunk. Get those lyrics he's saying.. Please somebody! I want to add the lyrics on my ipod already.

-- by soridosuneku at 2011-08-14 03:29:03

eerm... the lyrics are not complete xD and if you listen to the song you would inmediately note it

-- by asu-chan at 2010-01-30 22:46:42

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