Lyrics for Journey from Beck by Musicmans

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Who's calling my name? I hear the voice of legends?
What do I want? Static emotion comes down
Did I have the dream? Am I misunderstood?
What do I want? Static emotion comes down

Who's calling my name? I hear the voice of legends?
What do I want? Static emotion comes down
Did I have the dream? Am I misunderstood?
What do I want? Now it's time to change myself

Who'll be next hero? Who'll get a chance?
Who'll be next hero?

It's the longest journey into the sound
I'm trying to feel the six senses deep down in me

Who's calling my name? I hear the voice of legends?
What do I want? Static emotion comes down
Did I have the dream? Am I misunderstood?
What do I want? Now it's time to change myself

Who's calling my name? I hear the voice of legends?
What do I want? Static emotion comes down
Did I have the dream? Am I misunderstood?
What do I want? Static emotion comes down

Who'll be next hero? Who'll get a chance?
Who'll be next hero? Who'll change the world?
Who'll be next hero? Can I get the chance?
Who'll be next hero?

It's the longest journey into the sound
I'm trying to feel the six senses deep down in me

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