Lyrics for Love Dischord from Beck by Hyoudou Band 2

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
She was standing on a sunny hill
Breathing every single pleasant feeling
Even though the world is turning lonely eyes

She decided taking funny pills
Slowly falling into shallow sleeping
Even though the world is turning lonely eyes

So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill 'em all, kill 'em all

So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill 'em all

She was standing on a sunny hill
Breathing every single pleasant feeling
Even though the world is turning lonely eyes

Don't remember who's the funny song
Don't remember who's the funny singing
Even though the world is turning lonely eyes

So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill 'em all, kill 'em all

So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill 'em all

No one ever touched her chilly feet
No one ever touched her shallow sleep

So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill 'em all, kill 'em all

So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill 'em all, kill 'em all

So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill 'em all

So sweet
So sweet
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