Lyrics for Face from Beck by Kazuya Hirabayashi (Background Music)

Large lips in the motion
Trying to keep blaming on
As I say reason I'm late on
Find you turning
Laughing and smiling

Running over sometimes
Feel like you leave me behind
Now you don't have to mind it
Find you shining
Everyday by day

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
Everything will be fine someday

Playing in a backyard
Hiding myself in garage
Since you never could catch me
Find you crying
Weeping in darkness

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
Everything will be fine someday
Some other day

Large lips in the motion
Trying to keep blaming on
As I say reason I'm late on
Find you turning
Laughing and smiling

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
Everything will be fine
Some other day

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
Everything will be fine someday
Some other day
Some other day

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Large lips in the motion
Trying to keep framing on
As I say the reason I'm late on
Find you turning
Laughing and smiling

Love you girl but sometimes
I Feel like you leave me behind
Now you don't have to mind it
Find you shining
Everyday by day

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
And everything will be fine someday

Playing in the backyard
Hiding myself in garage
Since you never could catch me
Find you crying
Weeping in darkness

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
And everything will be fine someday
Some other day

Large lips in the motion
Trying to keep flaming on
As I say the reason I'm late on
I Find you turning
Laughing and smiling

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
And everything will be fine
Some other day

Sing it up, my sister
In this world which everyone is lonely
And everything will be fine someday
Some other day
Some other day
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