Lyrics for Reincarnation from Ghost in the Shell by Kenji Kawai (Ending #1)

Agamaeba, kuwashime yoini keri
Agamaeba, teru tsuki toyomu nari
Yobai ni kami amakudarite
Yoha ake, nuedori naku

Agamaeba, kuwashime yoini keri
Agamaeba, teru tsuki toyomu nari
Yobai ni kami amakudarite,
Yoha ake, nuedori naku.

Too kami emi tame
Too kami emi tame
Too kami emi tame

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
When you are reverent, a beautiful lady becomes entranced
When you are reverent, the shining moon shimmers
A god descends to join her dream
dawn approaches as the night bird sings.

When you are reverent, a beautiful lady becomes entranced
When you are reverent, the shining moon shimmers
A god descends to join her dream
dawn approaches as the night bird sings.

May the Gods determine your fortune
May the Gods determine your fortune
May the Gods determine your fortune

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