Lyrics for Diamonds from Cowboy Bebop by Ilaria Graziano

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
something that you do
i really can't explain
the way you make me smile
the way you make me love you
when you're shining...

diamonds don't make promises or deceive me
they don't lie
all they do is shine like the sun
stars up in the sky
i see them in your eyes
can i see them now?
yes, i see them now

little diamonds
please don't go away
let me love you
can i keep you near?
let me hold you dear ever more
don't know what it is
your magic sparkle kiss
little diamonds
i'm yours

twinkling like a melody in the twilight
ever clear, made in heaven, some are cold
and some are perfect cuts
while some are in the rough
all so beautiful
you're so beautiful

little diamonds
don't you go away
let me love you
can i keep you near?
let me hold you dear for all time
don't know what it is
you sparkle with a kiss
little diamonds
little diamonds
be mine
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