Lyrics for Anata ga Irukara from Detective Conan Movie 4 by Miho Komatsu (Ending #1)

Moshi mo kono yo ni kegare ga nakereba
Sugata o kaezuni aishi aeta no ni
Doushite toki wa shuu o wakatsu no
Nee soba ni ite ima dake

Anata ga iru kara watashi wa tsuyoku naru
Chikai no yubiwa kirakira kirei ne
You will realize chiisana yume mo
You are the one kokoro mitasareru

Yoru no haiwei baiku o tobashite
Hashaida jiyuu o moteamasu kurai
Kono me de mite furete wakaru
Tashikana mono ga atta ne

Ano hi no futari ni subete modoseru nara
Hizamazuki ishi ni naru made inoru you
We can still be free hyaku made kazoete
Never wanna stop kokoro tokihanatsu

Anata ga iru kara watashi wa tsuyoku naru
Chikai no yubiwa kirakira kirei ne
You will realize chiisana yume mo
You are the one itsuka kannaerareru

ねぇ 傍に居て 今だけ

あなたがいるから 私は強くなる
誓いの指輪 キラキラ 綺麗ね
You will realize 小さな夢も
You are the one 心満たされる

夜のハイウェイ バイクを飛ばして
はしゃいだ 自由を持て余すくらい

あの頃の二人に すべて戻せるなら
跪き 石になるまで 祈るよ
We can still be free 100まで数えて
Never wanna stop 心解き放つ

あなたがいるから 私は強くなる
誓いの指輪 キラキラ 綺麗ね
You will realize 小さな夢も
You are the one いつか叶えられる
Because You Are Here

Even if this world is not stained
We could've loved each other without having to change
Why does time keep on separating people?
Hey, be with me just for now

I am strong because you are there
The ring of vows is sparkling, beautiful isn't it?
You will realize that small dream too
You are the one, I am satisfied

On the highway at night riding the bike
Till the freedom to enjoy becomes annoying
I saw with these eyes, touch and you'll see
There are things that are real

If only we could return everything to that day
I would pray till I fall on my knees
We can still be free, count till a hundred
Never wanna stop, I will set my heart loose

I am strong because you are there
The ring of vows is sparkling, beautiful isn't it?
You will realize that small dream too
You are the one, one day it will become true

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