Lyrics for A Sai En from Macross Plus by Raiche Coutve Sisters (Background Music)

ma ha shutai e tuby e tuby e
tu shuutei a no en tuby

ma ha shutai e tuby e tuby e
tu shuutei a no en tuby

a sai, do mi no steikun

di zi e

a di shuta dia
(a di shuta dia)
la dia
(la dia)
zhan who

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Greenery on the earth, on the earth,
the fragrance of flowers

Greenery on the earth, on the earth,
the fragrance of flowers

In the sky, one who fills the sea with fish.

More than anyone,
I think you precious.

With a soft light,
(with a soft light)
please fill me.

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