Lyrics for Pump Up! from Divergence Eve by Nao Nagasawa (Ending #1)

*Pump up ima sugu Cool down shinaide
Jump up kimochi wo suna no uede
Heat up tome nai Slow down sasenai
Glow up anatato natsu wo daki shimete

hajimete no natsu machikoga retetaanatato futari de wow wow wow
ichimoku bore shita mizugi wo motte ima sugu tsure te itte yo
toki meku sora to kira meku nami wo suhada ni kanji tai hayaku
migi no joshuseki (shito) de hayai kaze kitte taiyou ni chikadu kitaino

omoide tsukuritai futari detsukuritai

**dakara Pump up ima sugu Cool down shinaide
Jump up kimochi wo suna no uede
Heat up tome nai Slow down sasenai
Glow up anatato natsu wo daki shimete

hitori bocchide kogoe ru fuyu wo norikoe te kita kedo wow wow wow
anatato deai atsui kimochi de kisetsu ga kawa tta watashi ni
kokuhaku shitetatokini itsutta yone kirei na umibe deitsuka
mou ichido ai wo yakusoku sasete hoshii toutsumukinagara

omoide tsukuritai futari detsukuritai


omoide tsukuritai futari detsukuritai


*Repeat x2
☆Pump up! 今すぐ Cool downしないで
 Jump up! 気持ちを砂の上で
 Heat up! 止めない Slow downさせない
 Glow up! あなたと夏を抱きしめて

初めての夏待ち焦がれてたあなたと二人でwow wow wow
一目ボレした水着を持って 今すぐ連れて行ってよ

思い出つくりたい 二人でつくりたい

★だからPump up! 今すぐ Cool downしないで
 Jump up! 気持ちを砂の上で
 Heat up! 止めない Slow downさせない
 Glow up! あなたと夏を抱きしめて

一人ぼっちで凍える冬を乗り越えて来たけどwow wow wow

思い出つくりたい 二人でつくりたい


思い出つくりたい 二人でつくりたい



☆Pump up! Right now, and don't cool down
Jump up! My feelings, atop the sand
Heat up! I don't stop, I can't be made to slow down
Glow up! I embrace the summer with you

I yearned for the feeling of summer for the first time
Just the two of us, wow wow wow
I volleyed with one look, with a bathing suit on
Come along with me right now
The exciting sky and the sparkling waves
I want to quickly feel them as I'm naked
Feeling the fast wind from the right-side passenger seat
I want to be close to the sun

I want to make memories
I want to make them together

★So pump up! Right now, and don't cool down
Jump up! My feelings, atop the sand
Heat up! I don't stop, I can't be made to slow down
Glow up! I embrace the summer with you

Getting through the freezing winter all by myself
But it's come, wow wow wow
In the passionate feeling of meeting you
The seasons have changed in me, I confess
Sometimes I would say that
Someday, on a beautiful beach
I want you to make me promise my love one more time
As I look down

I want to make memories
I want to make them together

Repeat ★

I want to make memories
I want to make them together

Reapeat ★

Repeat ☆ 2x

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