Lyrics for Kokoro no Chizu from One Piece by Boystyle (Opening #5)

Daijoubu Saa mae ni susumou taiyou wo itsumo mune ni
Tsunaida te tsutawaru Power negai wo tsukamaeyouyo

dekkai nami ni norou CHIKARA awasete
tokimeku hou he isogou hajimari no aizu

ima koso funade no toki ikari wo AGETARA
nanairo no kaze wo kiri bouken no umi e

kizu darake no tabi dakedo daiji na mono ga soko ni aru
PINCHI nara itsudatte boku ga mamoru kara

daijoubu Saa mae ni susumou taiyou wo itsumo mune ni
arashi ga kitara kata kunde sono saki no hikari wo miyou
yume no kakera atsumareba asu ni mukou chizu ni naru
dakara onaji hata no moto negai wo tsukamaeyouyo
bokura wa hitotsu One Piece

Minna de yareba dekiru kokoro wo awasete
Wataridori tachi no uta yuuki ni kaetara

tsubasa no nai bokura demo jiyuu jizai ni habatakeru
kimagure na sora datte mikata ni shichaou

Daijoubu sou mae ni susumou sono namida ame no you ni
Aoi umi ni kaeshita toki jounetsu ga kira kira hikaru
Atsui omoi kasanetara mugentai no kaze wo yobu
Zutto onaji hoshi no moto kataikizuna ga arukara
Kiseki wo wakachi aou

daijoubu Saa mae ni susumou taiyou wo itsumo mune ni
arashi ga kitara kata kunde sono saki no hikari wo miyou
yume no kakera atsumareba asu ni mukou chizu ni naru
dakara onaji hata no moto negai wo tsukamaeyouyo
bokura wa hitotsu One Piece
大丈夫!さあ 前に 進もう
太陽を いつも 胸に
繋いだて 伝わるPower
願いを 掴まえよおよ

でっかい 波に 乗ろう
チカラ 合わせて
ときめく 俸へ 急ごう
始まりの 合図

今 こそ 船出の時
碇を 上げたら
七色の風を きり 冒険の海へ

傷だれけの 旅だけど
大事な ものが そこに ある
ピンチ なら 何時だって
僕が 守るから

大丈夫!さあ 前に 進もう
太陽を いつも 胸に
嵐が きたら肩くんで
その先の 光を見よう

夢の欠片 集まれば
明日に むこう 地図に成る
だから 同じ 旗の下
願いを 掴まえよおよ
ぼくらは 一つ

「みんなで やれば できる」心を合わせて
渡り鳥たちの歌 勇気に 反たら

翼のない ボクラでも
自由自在に はばたけら
きまぐれな 空だって
身方に しちゃおう

大丈夫!そう 前に 進もう
涙雨の ように
青い海に 帰した時

暑い想い 重ねたら
無限大の 風を呼ぶ
ずっと同じ 星の下
硬い絆が あるから
奇跡を 分かち合う

大丈夫!さあ 前に 進もう
太陽を いつも 胸に
嵐が きたら肩 くんで
その先の 光を見よう

夢の欠片 集まれば
明日に むこう 地図に成る
だから 同じ 旗の下
願いを 掴まえよおよ
ぼくらは 一つ
It's Alright! Now, let's move forward. There's always a burning sun in our hearts.
Transferring Power through our clasped hands, let's catch hold of our desires.

Let's ride upon a huge wave, combining our Strengths.
Let's hurry towards the beating pulse; It's the signal to begin.

Now is the time to set sail. When the anchor is raised,
We’ll ride the seven-colored winds to the sea of adventure.

Though it’s a voyage full of injury, something precious is there.
Even when we’re in trouble, no matter what, because I will protect you.

It’s Alright! Now, Let’s move forward. There’s always a burning sun in our hearts.
When storms come, Let’s stand shoulder to shoulder and look at the light from before.
If we gather the shards of our dreams, they will become a map for the future.
And so, Let’s stand together under the same flag, and catch hold of our desires.
We all are one, One Piece.

“If we do it together, we can succeed!” Combining our Hearts.
The song of the migrating birds. Turns to courage.

Even though we don’t have wings, we are flying at ease in freedom.
The sky is capricious, so let’s be allies.

It’s alright! Yes, let’s move forward to those rainlike tears
When we return to the blue ocean, passion shines brightly.
As heated thoughts gather, they call the endless winds.
Always together under the same star, because we have an unbreakable bond.
Let’s share these miracles.

It’s Alright! Now, Let’s move forward. There’s always a burning sun in our hearts.
When storms come, Let’s stand shoulder to shoulder and look at the light from before.
If we gather the shards of our dreams, they will become a map for the future.
And so, Let’s stand together under the same flag, and catch hold of our desires.
We all are one, One Piece.

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