Lyrics for Myself from Full Moon wo Sagashite by Changin' My Life (Ending #2)

doushite doushite suki nan darou
konna ni namida afureteru

ano koro wa ushinau mono ga oosugite nani mo utaenakatta
sukoshi hanareta basho soko ga watashi no ibasho datta

kimi no hitomi no oku ni ano hi sabishisa o mitsuketa
futari niteru no kana fuu
kitsukeba itsu mo tonari ni ite kureta

doushite konna ni suki nan darou
kimi no koe kanashii hodo hibiiteru yo
ima made nani ga sasae datta ka
tooku hanarete wakatta yo

naki nagara sagashi tsuzuketa maigo no kodomo no you ni
kedo soko ni wa eien nante aru wake nakute

dare mo shinjinakereba iin da yo tsubuyaita ne
futari niteta no kana fuu
ano toki kimi o mamoru to kimeta no ni

doushite omoide ni dekinain darou
toosugite chikasugite todokanai yo
wasureyotte omoeba omou hodo
kimi ga ookiku natteku yo

doushite konna ni suki nan darou
kimi no koe kanashii hodo hibiiteru yo
ima made nani ga sasae datta ka
tooku hanarete wakatta yo

doushite kimi wo suki ni nattan darou
kantan sugite kotae ni naranai
どうしてどうして 好きなんだろう
こんなに涙 溢れてる

あの頃は失うものが多すぎて 何も歌えなかった
少し離れた場所 そこが私の居場所だった

君の瞳の奥に あの日 寂しさを見つけた
二人 似てるのかな?
気付けばいつも 隣にいてくれた

どうして こんなに好きなんだろう
君の声 悲しい程 響いてるヨ

泣きながら捜し続けた 迷子の子供のように
けどそこには 永遠なんてあるわけなくて

二人 似てたのかな?
あの時 君を守ると 決めたのに

「忘れよ」って 思えば思う程

どうして こんなに好きなんだろう
君の声 悲しい程 響いてるヨ

どうして 君を好きになったんだろう
Why, oh why do I love you so much?
My tears overflow this much

Back in that time, there was so much to lose that I couldn't sing
A place just a little ways away--That was where I was

That day, deep in your eyes, I saw the loneliness
Are the two of us really alike?
If I'd realized it, you were always by my side

Why do I love you so much?
Your voice rings inside me so much it makes me sad
Just what it was that supported me so much
From afar, I realize it now

Like a lost child, crying and searching
But there was no such thing as forever

"It's okay if you don't believe in anyone" you whispered
Were the two of us really alike?
And I decided then I would protect you

Why can't I turn them to memories
You're too far, too near for me to reach
The more I tell myself "I will forget"
The larger you loom in my thoughts

Why do I love you so much?
Your voice rings (inside me) so much it makes me sad
Just what it was that supported me so much
I realize it now from afar

Why do I love you so much?
It's so easy I just can't answer

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