Lyrics for Pushing the Sky from Cowboy Bebop by The Seatbelts (Background Music)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Don't wanna be the one to pop your cherry, girl
Just jump a train that will bring you back to mama's side

Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the door
Buyin' a one way ticket out of your mind
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why

You keep on pushin' and you will see my chilly yellow eyes
Only one time

Don't wanna get your teddy bear mad at me, girl
So get your pretty slippers on and dance out of here

Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the door
Be happy living in your nuclear life
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why

You keep pushin' and you will feel my frozen beastly bite
Only one time

Pushing the sky

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