Lyrics for Melody (Salva Nos Version) from Noir by Yuki Kajiura (Background Music)

Dona nobis pacem
dona eis requiem
dominus misrere
salva, salva nos e

Dona nobis,deus
dona eis requiem
dominus misrere

Hear the voice of love in every field
I hear it in my heart
I hear it in my tears

the melody you sing beneath my memories
I hear it in my heart
I hear it in my tears

the voice of love...
melody of love...

dona nobis pacem o deus
dona eis requiem o deus

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Grant us peace
Give them rest
Lord have mercy
Protect, protect us, God

Grant us, god
Give them rest
Lord have mercy
Holy, Glory

Hear the voice of love in every field
I hear it in my heart
I hear it in my tears

the melody you sing beneath my memories
I hear it in my heart
I hear it in my tears

the voice of love…
melody of love…

Grant us peace, oh god
Give them rest, oh god

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