Lyrics for Words We Couldn't Say from Cowboy Bebop by Steve Conte (Background Music)

We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say
Funny ain't it
Games people play
Scratch it paint it
One in the same
We couldn't find them
So we tried to hide them
Words that we couldn't say
It hurts don't it
Fools on parade
Taint it own it
Chase it away
We couldn't make them
So we had to break them
Words that we couldn't say
Sometimes baby
We make mistakes
Dark and hazy
Prices we pay
I sit here on my shelf
Just talking to myself
Words that we couldn't say
Someday maybe
We'll make it right
Until that day
Long endless nights
We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say
We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say
Someday maybe
We'll make it right
Until that day
Long endless nights
We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say

Funny ain't it
Games people play
Scratch it paint it
One in the same
We couldn't find them
So we tried to hide them
Words that we couldn't say

It hurts don't it
Fools on parade
Taint it own it
Chase it away
We couldn't make them
So we had to break them
Words that we couldn't say

Sometimes baby
We make mistakes
Dark and hazy
Prices we pay
I sit here on my shelf
Just talking to myself
Words that we couldn't say

Someday maybe
We'll make it right
Until that day
Long endless nights
We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say

We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say
Someday maybe
We'll make it right
Until that day
Long endless nights
We couldn't say them
So now we just pray them
Words that we couldn't say

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