Lyrics for Kokoro Odoru from SD Gundam Force by nobodyknows+ (Ending #2)

ENJOY ongaku wa nari tsudzukeru IT'S JOIN todoketai Mune no kodou
KOKORO ODORU ANKOURU wakasu Dance Dance Dance (READY GO!)
Ima GOUINGU GOURUIN yori tobi-goshi oto ni nori oyogi tsudzukeru
ENJOY (ENJOY) IT'S JOIN (IT'S JOIN) koousuru kokoro hibiki tsudzukeru

Nottekina matona kotoba ga detekita koko wa kokoro odoru dokoro dakara
Oite kanai yo oi tsuki tai nara Get Up Stand Up ikushika nee

Tsuka nee yappa kidzuitenda 100% shiawase no ishihyouji narase CLAP CLAP
Nakamadoushi yodoushi tsumekonda APPAA na DENSHOUN no SHICHUEESHON

Have a dreamin' GURIIDINGU kono ba no kuuki chuunshin SEEKURU tsunagaru
FURIIKII kibarazu koko no minna to sono kachi arukara Swig swing sing a song

Kimajime hazukashi ga ridemo dekiru IMAJINEESHON nozomu tokoro da
Cha no ma toko no ma tokoro kamawazu BOTAN hitotsu de odoru KOKORO ga

ENJOY ongaku wa nari tsudzukeru IT'S JOIN todoketai Mune no kodou
KOKORO ODORU ANKOURU wakasu Dance Dance Dance (READY GO!)
Ima GOUINGU GOURUIN yori tobi-goshi oto ni nori oyogi tsudzukeru
ENJOY (ENJOY) IT'S JOIN (IT'S JOIN) koousuru kokoro hibiki tsudzukeru

Yappari na Hurry up Ore wa isoide ha o migaku Tema wa torirasen Saa mina
Ami dasu tsuuka katte Kokoro sawagi dasu jikan bashou nado kagirazu

GUUTARA dekipaki nichijou MERIHARI mainichi kawaru ne FURESSHU
Yurasu Body Rock MASU MASU BEKUTORU mukau hokosaki wa PURASU e

Sono Chou to Tan soko gadou kanaru tokoro-dokoro KOKORO GOTO Koro ga shiau
Dakara kyou wa kyou furikiru kinou Kokoro kara odorasu kono hitotoki

Hitotabi Go DOA Hiraketara FUROA Ukiashidatsu Nukedasu Yureru Core
Up and down Kocchi TANTA Tap Let's Dance Come on kasoku kamau monka mou

Ite mo tatte mo irannai Kokoro dake ja osamannai ze Day and Night Shake a body
Gikochinai nara naide kou ai-i Kokoro kanjiru mama ni

Warai Aishi ai sare kidoairaku kizamu ne to kotoba tsunagu kono ba
Todoiteru nara MAKE SOME NOISE

ENJOY ongaku wa nari tsudzukeru IT'S JOIN todoketai Mune no kodou
KOKORO ODORU ANKOURU wakasu Dance Dance Dance (READY GO!)
Ima GOUINGU GOURUIN yori tobi-goshi oto ni nori oyogi tsudzukeru
ENJOY (ENJOY) IT'S JOIN (IT'S JOIN) koousuru kokoro hibiki tsudzukeru

GUREETOFURU E egaku SKEERU wa de kaku tanoshii monda ERA ku
Nurau hima nanka tanjun ni kantan azukete KAUNTDAUN 3 - 2 - 1

Narifuri kamawazu muchuu de kakenukero iki maite It's like this
Sarani fukai kandou e MOURETSU Oh yes KOKORO ODORU kyou e

Ima GOUINGU GOURUIN yori Tobi-goshi oto ni nori Oyogi Tsudzukeru
Ima GOUINGU GOURUIN yori Tobi-goshi oto ni nori Oyogi Tsudzukeru
ENJOY Ongaku wa Nari Tsudzukeru IT'S JOIN Todoketai Mune no Kodou
KOKORO ODORU ANKOURU wakasu Dance Dance Dance (READY GO!)
Ima GOUINGU GOURUIN yori Tobi-goshi oto ni nori Oyogi Tsudzukeru
ENJOY (ENJOY) IT'S JOIN (IT'S JOIN) Koousuru Kokoro Hibiki Tsudzukeru
KOKORO ODORU ANKOURU wakasu Dance Dance Dance (READY GO!)
Ima GOUINGU GOURUIN yori Tobi-goshi oto ni nori Oyogi Tsudzukeru
ENJOY (ENJOY) IT'S JOIN (IT'S JOIN) Koousuru Kokoro Hibiki Tsudzukeru

ENJOY 音楽は鳴り続ける
IT'S JOIN 届けたい 胸の鼓動
ココロオドル アンコール わかす Dance Dance
Dance(READY GO!)
今 ゴーイング ゴールインより
飛び越し 音に乗り 泳ぎ続ける
呼応する心 響き続ける

のってきな的な言葉が出てきた ここは心踊るところだから
置いてかないよ 追い付きたいなら
Get Up Stand Up 行くしかねぇ
つかねぇ やっぱ 気付いたんだ
100% 幸せの意思表示 鳴らせ CLAP CLAP
仲間同士 夜通し 詰め込んだ
Have a dreamin' グリーディング
この場の空気 中心 サークル 繋がるブギー
フリーキー きばらず ここのみんなと その価値あるから
Swing swing sing a song
生真面目 恥ずかしがりでもできる
イマジネーション 望むところだ
茶の間 床の間 ところ構わず ボタンひとつで踊る心が

ENJOY 音楽は鳴り続ける
IT'S JOIN 届けたい 胸の鼓動
ココロオドル アンコール わかす Dance Dance
Dance(READY GO!)
今 ゴーイング ゴールインより
飛び越し 音に乗り 泳ぎ続ける
呼応する心 響き続ける

やっぱりな Hurry up 俺は急いで歯を磨く
手間は取らせん さぁ見な
あみ出す つうか 勝手 心騒ぎ出す 時間 場所など限らず
グータラ てきぱき 日常 メリハリ
毎日変わる音 フレッシュ デリバリー
揺らす Body Rock 増々 ベクトル向かう矛先はプラスへ
その長と短 そこがどうかなる 所々 ココロゴト 転がしあう
だから今日は今日 振り切る昨日 心から踊らす この一時
一度 Go ドア開けたらフロア
浮き足立つ 抜け出す 揺れるCore
Up and down こっち タンタ
Tap Let's Dance Come on 加速 構うもんか もう
いてもたってもいらんない 心だけじゃ収まんないぜ
Day and Night Shake a body
ぎこちないならないで可愛い 心感じるままに
笑い 愛し合いされ 喜怒哀楽 刻む
音と言葉 つなぐこの場

ENJOY 音楽は鳴り続ける
IT'S JOIN 届けたい 胸の鼓動
ココロオドル アンコール わかす Dance Dance
Dance(READY GO!)
今 ゴーイング ゴールインより
飛び越し 音に乗り 泳ぎ続ける
呼応する心 響き続ける

グレートフル 絵描く スケールはでかく
楽しいもんだ エラくデラックス
狙う暇なんか 単純に簡単 預けてカウントダウン 3・2・1
なりふり構わず 夢中で駆け抜けろ 息まいて it's like this
さらに深い感動へ モーレツ Oh yes ココロオドル 今日へ

ENJOY 音楽は鳴り続ける
IT'S JOIN 届けたい 胸の鼓動
ココロオドル アンコール わかす Dance Dance
Dance(READY GO!)
今 ゴーイング ゴールインより
飛び越し 音に乗り 泳ぎ続ける
呼応する心 響き続ける

ENJOY 音楽は鳴り続ける
IT'S JOIN 届けたい 胸の鼓動
ココロオドル アンコール わかす Dance Dance
Dance(READY GO!)
今 ゴーイング ゴールインより
飛び越し 音に乗り 泳ぎ続ける
呼応する心 響き続ける

Enjoy, the music keeps playing
My heart dances, the encore is heated, dance dance
Dance (Ready Go!)
I'm going right now, instead of hitting the goal
I clear it, riding on the sound, I keep swimming
Enjoy (Enjoy), it's join (it's join)
My heart continues to sound out in concert

Exciting words came out of me, because this is the place where my heart dances
I won't fall behind, if I want to catch up
Get up, stand up, I can only go on
I don't know, but of course you've noticed
I intend to be 100% happy, sound it out, clap clap
Comrades, we forced ourselves all night long
A situation from upper-tension
Have a dreamin', greeting
The air here is centered, a circle, the connected boogie
Freaky, without going all out, there is value in everyone here
Swing, swing, sing a song
I'm too serious, but I can get embrassed too
I want some imagination
The living room, the little alcove, I don't care where, my heart dances on a single button

Enjoy, the music keeps playing
My heart dances, the encore is heated, dance dance
Dance (Ready Go!)
I'm going right now, instead of hitting the goal
I clear it, riding on the sound, I keep swimming
Enjoy (Enjoy), it's join (it's join)
My heart continues to sound out in concert

Just like I thought, hurry up, I hurridly brush my teeth
I won't keep you long, just look
I work out the transit in my own way; my heart starts to get excited, I'm not limited to any time or place
Guutara, Tekipaki, everyday tones of voice
The sound changes everyday, fresh delivery
Shaking and increasing body rock, the point of a spear facing a vector goes toward plus
The head and the weak point, those are some of the parts, our hearts tumble
So today is today, I shake off yesterday, I dance from my heart for this brief time
Go once, when you open the door, you're on the floor
I'm prepared to flee, sneak away, rock the core
Up and down, Tanta is right here
Tap, let's dance come on, do I care about acceleration? Nah...
Even if I do, I don't need it, my heart is nagging at me
Day and night, shake a body
I feel your cute and non-clumsy heart
La la la live life, good to be alive
Laughing, loving, human emotions, they're made
Sounds and words are connected here
If it's reaching you, make some noise

Enjoy, the music keeps playing
My heart dances, the encore is heated, dance dance
Dance (Ready Go!)
I'm going right now, instead of hitting the goal
I clear it, riding on the sound, I keep swimming
Enjoy (Enjoy), it's join (it's join)
My heart continues to sound out in concert

Painting a grateful picture, the scale is huge
It's fun, a wonderful deluxe
The spare time I'm shooting for is simply simple; leave it to me, countdown 3-2-1
Not caring about appearance, run through your dreams; breathe, it's like this
A workaholic moving toward emotion after all, oh yes, my heart dances toward today

Enjoy, the music keeps playing
My heart dances, the encore is heated, dance dance
Dance (Ready Go!)
I'm going right now, instead of hitting the goal
I clear it, riding on the sound, I keep swimming
Enjoy (Enjoy), it's join (it's join)
My heart continues to sound out in concert

Enjoy, the music keeps playing
My heart dances, the encore is heated, dance dance
Dance (Ready Go!)
I'm going right now, instead of hitting the goal
I clear it, riding on the sound, I keep swimming
Enjoy (Enjoy), it's join (it's join)
My heart continues to sound out in concert

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