Lyrics for Chiisa na Inori from Fruits Basket by Ritsuko Okazaki (Ending #1)

tanoshii yuu ge saa kakomimashou
kyou no namida wa hora asu no chikara ni shite

LA LA LA subarashiki LOVE & LIFE
LA LA LA ai subeki LOVE & LIFE

sei ippai datta ichinichi ni
sayonara to arigatou
waratte oemashou
sore wa chiisa na inori

haru hana saki midori moeru koro
donna namida mo hora kaze ni nagasarete ku

LA LA LA subarashiki LOVE & LIFE
LA LA LA ai subeki LOVE & LIFE

たのしい夕げ さあ囲みましょう
今日の涙は こら 明日の力にして

la・la・la 素晴らしき love & life
la・la・la 愛すべき love & life


春 花咲き 緑萌える頃
どんな涙も ほら 風に流されてく

la・la・la 素晴らしき love & life
la・la・la 愛すべき love & life

Pleasant Supper, now, let's gather around.
Look to this day's tears to bring tomorrow's strength.

La La La, A wonderful feeling, Love & Life
La La La, Loveable, Love & Life

To the day that was given our best,
Along with a 'goodbye' and 'thank you',
Let's end it smiling,
That is my small prayer.

When the spring flowers bloom, and the greenery sprouts,
Look, some of the tears are floating away on the wind!

La La La, A wonderful feeling, Love & Life
La La La, Loveable, Love & Life

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