Lyrics for Stamina Rose from Ghost in the Shell TV by Yoko Kanno (Background Music)

Why those illusion just keep floating up?
Excel than man one should you drain?
Why those illusion just keep floating, yeah?
Excel than man one it should drain...

Up those illusion keep floating, yeah?
Excel than man it should rain
How those illusion keep floating there?
Excel than man that should you drain...

Watching there...
Maybe should have the army beside them
Maybe should have the army inside yeah?

Follow you, yeah!
Follow you, yeah! (yeah...)

Up those illusion jus’ keep floating, up (ah...)
It shields the man from you - rage

Everytime those illusions keep floating, yeah... (yeah...)
It shields the man from you - rage

Yay, yay-hee, yay-yay, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Yay, yay-hee, yay-yay, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Yay, yay-hee, yay-yay, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Yay, yay-hee, yay-yay, hey, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
**the lyrics here are the the ones seen in the CD jacket, but they are not the ones sang in the song. The real lyrics are not published.

I ask the earth why I’ve been sent
It’s because, if she is to become beautiful
Fighting will be like dancing

My head grows dizzy with anger
The rose pulses
She’s a beautiful woman
She’s a beautiful woman

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