Lyrics for Eden from Magi: The Kingdom of Magic by Aqua Timez (Ending #1)

Se wo mukeaeba tagai wa tsubasa ni naru
Keredo mou bokura ni wa tobitatsu basho nado nai

Dareka ga namida wo nagasazu tomo bokura ga yasashiku narete itara
Dareka wo warumono ni shinakute mo bokura wa HIIROO ni nareta kana

Mahoutsukai no onna no ko ga mahou no tsue wo sutete demo
Nigiri shimetakatta nukumori ga aru you ni
Bokura ga umareta kono sekai ni kitto seou mono nado nai
Dakishimeru mono bakari na no dakara

Boku to anata ga chouchou musubi no you ni
Yawarakaku karamiai itsuka hodoketa to shitemo
Sora to iu mono wa habataku mono dewa naku
Miageru monoda to isagiyoku akirameraretara ii naa
Te o toriatte aruite iketara ii naa

Daiji na mono o ushinatta no ka ushinatta mono ga daiji na no ka
Hatena wo jibun ni tsukitsukete mo bokura wa sunao de irareru ka na

Mahou tsukai no otokonoko wa mou mahou nado nakute mo
Ano ko o egao ni suru to kimetan datte sa
Daisuki na hito ga warattete kuretara
Taiyou ga nariyandemo tsugi no asa o matteru kara kowakunakatta

Ame no furu hi ni kasa o hiraku you ni ne
Harewataru sora no hi wa kokoro hiraite iyou
Soshite futari de maarui warai goe o
Shabondama no you ni hitotsuzutsu ukabete iketara ii naa

Osanai koro papa to mama ga ite
Boku ni mo anata ni mo kaeru basho ga atta
Mahou ga atte mo nakute mo
Okane ga atte mo nakute mo
Ai to yoberu natsukashii nioi ga atte
Nandemo nai asa hontou wa soko ni
Taisetsu na nani mo kamo ga atta koto ima nara wakaru

Anata mo?

Ima se wo muke aeba tagai wa tsubasa ni naru
Keredo mou bokura ni wa tobitatsu basho nado nai
Anata ni deatte nagai tabi wa owatta
Mou tooku nanka nai koko de tada anata o dakishimete iyou
Motto tsuyoku anata o dakishimete iyou

背を向け合えば 互いは翼になる
けれどもう 僕らには 飛び立つ場所などない

誰かが涙を流さずとも 僕らが優しくなれていたら
誰かを悪者にしなくても 僕らはヒーローになれたかな

魔法使いの女の子が 魔法の杖を捨ててでも
僕らが生まれた この世界にきっと
背負うものなどない 抱きしめるものばかりなのだから

僕とあなたが 蝶々結びのように
やわらかく 絡み合い いつかほどけたとしても
空というものは 羽ばたくものではなく
見上げるものだと 潔く 諦められたらいいな
手を取りあって 歩いていけたらいいな

大事なものを失ったのか 失ったものが大事なのか
はてなを自分に突きつけても 僕らは素直でいられるかな

魔法使いの男の子は もう魔法などなくても
太陽が鳴り止んでも 次の朝を待てるから怖くなかった

雨の降る日に 傘を開くようにね
晴れ渡る空の日は 心を開いていよう
そして二人で まぁるい笑い声を
シャボン玉のように 一つずつ 浮かべていけたらいいなぁ

幼い頃 パパとママがいて 僕にもあなたにも 帰る場所があった
魔法があってもなくても お金があってもなくても
何でもない朝 本当はそこに
大切な何もかもがあったこと 今ならわかる あなたも?

背を向け合えば 互いは翼になる
けれどもう 僕らには 飛び立つ場所などない
あなたに出逢って 長い旅は終わった
もう遠くなんかない ここでただ あなたを抱きしめていよう
もっと強く あなたを抱きしめていよう
If we stand back to back, we form wings
But we no longer have a place to fly to

If we could become gentle without making anyone cry
I wonder if we could become heroes without making anyone the villain

Even though the magi girl threw away her magic wand
She wanted to held it tightly like it had warmth
I'm sure we weren't born in this world to be burdened by things
but to hold them tightly

We're like a butterfly loop
Gently tied together, even we are torn apart someday
The sky isn't a place to flap your wings
but something to gaze upon. It'll be nice if we could accept it wholeheartedly
It'll be nice if we could walk holding hands

Did you lose your important thing? What you lost was it something important?
Even if we strike ourselves with questions, I wonder if we can answer them honestly

That magi boy has no longer magic
I've decided to make that boy smile
If the person I like laughs for me
even if the sun stops roaring, I won't be afraid because I'll wait for the next morning

Like when you open an umbrella on rainy days
your heart opens on days with clear spreading skies
And there's the two of us, with our laughter
floating in the air like soap bubbles, it'll be nice if it went on like that

When we were little mom and dad where there
You and me had a place to return
Regardless if there was magic or not
Regardless if there was money or not
There was a nostalgic smell we call love
They were normal mornings, but in there actually
lied all the important things, I now know that

You too?
If we now stand back to back, we form wings
But we no longer have a place to fly to
Ever since I met you my long journey had ended
I'll no longer go far away, I'll just hug you here
Even more tightly, let me embrace you

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