Lyrics for Nanatsu no Umi yori Kimi no Umi from Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san by Uesaka Sumire (Opening #1)

namiuchigiwa ni tadayou shinpi no sa-ka-na!
kono yo no hate wa maaruku tsunagarimasu yo
namiuchigiwa de katarau sekai no ka-ta-chi!
nanatsu no umi wa fushigi o ai shiteru

Muromi! koko da! Muromi! koko da!

zutto matteta kiseki yori
me no mae no egao ga seikai da
konna koto ga kiseki nara
ashita kara chikyuu taikaiten taikaiten

taihen da taihen da
mou ikkai iu zo taihen da
zanshin na souguu wa horafukibanashi de oshimai?
taihen da taihen da
ningen wa minna taihen da
choujou na hakken ga mudaguchibanashi no nareai?

Muromi! yamete! Muromi! yamete!

kyou mo umi wa donburako namichapure sebire panpanpan
kyou mo umi wa donburako namichapure oppo de panpanpan

Setogiwa naraba aitaku naru hazu ki-ma-ri!
fukitsu na serifu ayaui kokuhaku desu ne
Setogiwa da kara koishiku naru no ga o-ki-te!
donna umi yori kimi dake miteitai

Muromi! koko da! Muromi! koko da!

daiji na no wa sendo da yo
kokoro kara sakebu ai rabu yuu
yappa danshi mo sendo da shi
nishi kara higashi e daisekkin daisekkin

kenzen da kenzen da
koufun wa kitto kenzen da
daitan ni soukyuu ni chikazukitai kara oide!
kenzen da kenzen da
gyokai wa daibu kenzen da
joutou na jounetsu de unmeisen na no ka mo shirenai?

taihen da taihen da
mou ikkai iu zo taihen da
zanshin na souguu wa horafukibanashi de oshimai?
taihen da taihen da
ningen wa minna taihen da
choujou na hakken ga mudaguchibanashi no nareai?
kenzen da kenzen da
koufun wa kitto kenzen da
daitan ni soukyuu ni chikazukitai kara oide!
kenzen da kenzen da
gyokai wa daibu kenzen da
joutou na jounetsu de unmeisen na no ka mo shirenai?

Muromi! yamete! Muromi! yamete!

波打ち際に漂う神秘の サ・カ・ナ!
この世の果ては まあるく繋がりますよ
波打ち際で語らう世界の カ・タ・チ!

むろみ! ここだ! むろみ! ここだ!

明日から地球大回転 大回転

タイヘンだ タイヘンだ
タイヘンだ タイヘンだ

むろみ! やめて! むろみ! やめて!

今日も海はどんぶらこ 波チャプれ背びれパンパンパン
今日も海はどんぶらこ 波チャプれ尾っぽでパンパンパン

瀬戸際ならば会いたくなるはず キ・マ・リ!
不吉な台詞(セリフ) あやうい告白ですね
瀬戸際だから恋しくなるのが オ・キ・テ!

むろみ! ここだ! むろみ! ここだ!

西から東へ大接近 大接近

ケンゼンだ ケンゼンだ
ケンゼンだ ケンゼンだ

タイヘンだ タイヘンだ
タイヘンだ タイヘンだ
ケンゼンだ ケンゼンだ
ケンゼンだ ケンゼンだ

むろみ! やめて! むろみ! やめて!

The mysterious fish drifting by the beach!
All the ends of the world are connected
The world is shaped like the shores!
The seven seas love mystery

Muromi! Here! Muromi! Here!

Who needs a miracle I've been waiting so long
When your awesome smile is right before my eyes?
If this were what's called a miracle,
The Earth would all be like a giant slalom starting tomorrow

What a mess, what a mess
To say once more, what a mess
Is the bleeding-edge new encounter going to end in boasts?
What a mess, what a mess
All the humans are a mess
Is any supernatural discovery on the land a conspiracy of prattle?

Muromi! Stop! Muromi! Stop!

The sea is just as usual, rolling, splashing waves, rolling back, flipflapflop
The sea is just as usual, rolling, splashing waves, tails go flipflapflop
Flip, flap, flop!

You will want to see me in a crisis, that's a rule!
Ominous lines make for a bad confession, don't they
I will be missing you in a crisis, that's set in stone!
I want to only see you, in any seas

Muromi! Here! Muromi! Here!

The degree of freshness is the most important thing
I shout with all my heart, "I love you"
Guys have that degree of freshness, too, I guess
The closest approach, from the West to the East

It's safe, it's safe
This drive is surely safe
Boldly and urgently I want to be closer to you, so come here!
It's safe, it's safe
The fish-world is mostly safe
A fateful battle might need fighting with appropriate passion

What a mess, what a mess
To say once more, what a mess
Is the bleeding-edge new encounter going to end in boasts?
What a mess, what a mess
All the humans are a mess
Is any supernatural discovery on the land a conspiracy of prattle?
It's safe, it's safe
This drive is surely safe
Boldly and urgently I want to be closer to you, so come here!
It's safe, it's safe
The fish-world is mostly safe
A fateful battle might need fighting with appropriate passion

Muromi! Stop! Muromi! Stop!

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