Lyrics for Star Chart from Hataraku Maou-sama! by Nano.Ripe (Ending #3)

Yoru ga akeru mae ni motto motto kikasete

Yureru machi kara nukede sou tenohira saizu no sora o te ni
Kanaderu shirabe wa ima boku dake no komori uta

Kie nai yō ni boku wa negau kienai yo tte kimi wa warau
Tashikame taku te nobashita te ga mukuware ta sonomama de

Yoru ga akeru mae ni sukoshi demo touku made ike tara
Yume ga sameru mae ni motto motto kikasete

Namae no nai kono kokoro ni namae o tsuke te kure ta hito
Hoshi no nai kono sora kara hikari o kure ta hito

Nanika tari naku te nani ga tari naku te boku wa ittai dare daro u
Hoshi ga mawaru to boku mo mawaru kara kawaritsuzuke te yuku no daro u

Kie nai you ni boku wa negau kie nai you ni kimi to inoru
Sore sae mo hora kiesou de nobashita te wa

Kiete shimau to shiru boku wa kie te shimau to shiru kimi to
Shira nai furi shi ta uso tsuki da higashi o se ni nigedaso u

Hayaku yoru ga akeru mae ni sukoshi demo tooku made ike tara
Yume ga sameru mae ni motto motto

Nai te shimau to omotta n da uchiake hanashi no himitsu ni
Kimi no egaku uta o zutto zutto kikasete

Kikasete yo


揺れる街から抜け出そう 手のひらサイズの空を手に

消えないようにぼくは願う 消えないよってきみは笑う
確かめたくて伸ばした手が報われた そのままで




消えないようにぼくは願う 消えないようにきみと祈る

消えてしまうと知るぼくは 消えてしまうと知るきみと
知らないフリしたウソツキだ 東を背に逃げ出そう


泣いてしまうと思ったんだ 打ち明け話のヒミツに


Let me hear more of it, let me hear more before the break of dawn

Let's escape from this shaky town, and get the sky that's the size of our palms into our hands
The tune that's playing, is now, my very own lullaby

So that you won't disappear, I wish."oh, I won't disappear", you say that as you laugh
And wanting to make sure of that, the hand that I reached out to you with, was rewarded, just like that

If we can, even make it a little bit far before the break of dawn
Before we awaken from our dream, let me hear more of it, let me hear more

You're the one, who has given this nameless heart of mine, a name
You're the one, who has given this starless sky, light

There's something missing, what's missing, I ask myself, who in the world am I, I wonder
Like how the stars change, I wonder if I will also keep changing like this.

So that I won't disappear, I wish. So that you won't disappear, I pray with you.
And with even that, look, the hand that I reach out with seem like it's going to disappear

Me, who I know will end up disappearing, with you, who knows you'll disappear as well
We are liars who are feigning ignorance, let's turn our backs to the south and escape

If we can hurry, and even make it a little bit far before the break of dawn
Before we awaken from our dream, let me hear more of it, more

I thought I'd end up crying, because of the secrets we told each other
Let me hear, forever and ever, the song you envisioned

Let me hear it

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