Lyrics for Boku Janai from Kakumeiki Valvrave by Angela (Ending #1)

boku ja nai boku ja nai boku ja nai
itsuka ayamachi o yuruseru nara

aishikata o shiru mae ni tatakaikata o oboeta
bukiyou na boku no buki wa nani
tada shinu dake no jinsei na no ni naze tsuyoku naritai no
omoi no take wa chiisana hako ni shimatta mama

daiji ni daiji ni shiteta no ni
kantan ni fumikowasarete shimatta

boku ja nai boku ja nai boku ja nai
iiwake o sagashite kizutsuku kakuritsu wa
ZERO ja nai ZERO ja nai ZERO ja nai
itsuka ayamachi o yuruseru nara
itsuka kawareru to omoeru nara

yaranakya ikenai koto bakari tsugi kara tsugi e to oshiyoseru
yaritai koto wa nannimo dekitenai
soredemo ikanakya ikenai to anmoku no RUURU dake de
sekinin to boku o ganjigarame ni shitai nara

nigetai sore mo oshikoroshite
kokoro wa tozashite shimau hou ga kantan da

boku ja nai boku ja nai boku ja nai
itsu ikanaru toki ni otona ni nare to iu no
shiritakunai shiritakunai hontou wa shiritai
boku no karada na no ni kaji wo torenai
boku no kokoro na no ni seigyo dekinai

mou sukoshi dake jibun o shiretara
aishiteru no tsukaikata o oboetai

boku ja nai boku ja nai boku ja nai
iiwake o sagashite kizutsuku kakuritsu wa
ZERO ja nai ZERO ja nai ZERO ja nai
itsuka itsuka itsuka ayamachi o yuruseru nara
itsuka kawareru to omoeru nara
僕じゃない 僕じゃない 僕じゃない

「愛し方」を知る前に 「戦い方」を覚えた
不器用な僕の武器は 何?
ただ死ぬだけの人生なのに なぜ強くなりたいの?

大事に 大事にしてたのに

僕じゃない 僕じゃない 僕じゃない
言い訳を探して 傷つく確率は
ゼロじゃない ゼロじゃない ゼロじゃない

やらなきゃいけない事ばかり 次から次へと押し寄せる
それでも「行かなきゃいけない」と 暗黙のルールだけで

「逃げたい」 それも押し殺して
「心」は閉ざしてしまう方が 簡単だ

僕じゃない 僕じゃない 僕じゃない
いつ いかなる時に大人になれと言うの?
知りたくない 知りたくない 本当は知りたい
僕の体なのに 舵をとれない
僕の心なのに 制御できない

「愛してる」の使い方を 覚えたい…

僕じゃない 僕じゃない 僕じゃない
言い訳を探して 傷つく確率は
ゼロじゃない ゼロじゃない ゼロじゃない
いつか いつか いつか「過ち」を許せるなら
This isn’t me, this isn’t me, this isn’t me,
If I’ll be able to forgive “sin” someday.

Before I knew “how to love,” I learned “how to fight.”
As awkward as I am, what is my weapon?
If we live only to die, why do I wish to become strong?
With “all of my feelings” sealed away in a little box,

So precious, though they were so precious to me,
They were so easily trampled upon and broken.

This isn’t me, this isn’t me, this isn’t me.
I search for an excuse – the probability that I’ll get hurt
Is not zero, it’s not zero, it’s not zero,
If I’ll be able to forgive “sin” someday…
If I’ll come to believe, someday, that “I can change.”

So many things I absolutely have to do, closing in on me one after another;
I’m unable to do anything I actually want to do.
Even so, “I must proceed,” I think, just following the unwritten rules.
If I want to follow that path and bind “myself” to “responsibility”…

Suppressing the voice inside that wants to run away
And sealing away the “heart” is the easiest choice to take.

This isn’t me, this isn’t me, this isn’t me.
You say that I must, at any and all times, be an adult?
I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know – no, the truth is I want to know.
I can’t take the helm of my own body.
I can’t maintain control of my own heart.

If I could come to know myself just a little better,
I’d like to learn how to use the words, “I love you.”

This isn’t me, this isn’t me, this isn’t me.
I search for an excuse – the probability that I’ll get hurt
Is not zero, it’s not zero, it’s not zero,
If, someday, someday, I’ll be able to forgive “sin” someday…
If I’ll come to believe, someday, that “I can change.”

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