Lyrics for We Are One And All from Persona 4 The Animation by Shihoko Hirata (Episode 25 Insert)

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Shihoko Hirata
We Are One And All

I shall fear no evil
For my loved ones will be with me

You shall be not afraid
For your love ones will be with you

And we shall be in hope
With faith we believe

Many may go
Many may come
But once they stay
I shall embrace them forever

We are one and all
You don't have to be alone, we are there for you

The day and night
we strive for truth
If we unite
I believe we can change the world

Some may affraid
And some may hide
But nothing breaks
The power of bonds

We are one and all
You don't need to be alone, I am there for you
We are one and all
You don't need to be alone, cause we're there for you.

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