Lyrics for Agent Yoru wo Yuku from The Idolm@ster by Hiromi Hirata (Episode 8 Insert)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
on sleepless nights worldly desires torment this body
when the restlessness is unbearable
I call the underground service
no matter the hour, they respond perfectly

that name is agent
the swindler who toys with love and desire

I entrust to you the classification of secrets
eagerly awaiting the release of passion, pleasure
that's right, the disheveled joy

lift me higher, without end, to the depths of my heart
with the technique only you can use
melt me away
heartbeats precipitate in the middle of whirling instinct
the dream of only tonight dances fiercely

the moonlight streams, piercing through the window's deep indigo
since I want to tie down the escaping fantasy
I won't remove the overdrive now
instantly dispel the mere anxiety

I can't talk to anyone
I want to hide it
I'll show you the keyhole
and atone

(Check your expecting service.
Purchase it, dress for pleasure...)

swaying patient being swallowed in the dark of negligence
manipulating agent, a clown secretly switching love and illusion

I wish for it once more, a moment of joy
the memories crossing before my eyes begin to throb
that's right, the maddening joy

dye me fiercer, to the colors of the world
to the heart's content
of an architect no one can imitate
heartbeats open wide in the final days' trembling arousal
I want to bathe in everything to the limits of this body

lift me higher, without end, to the depths of my heart
with the technique only you can use
melt me away
dye me fiercer, to the colors of the world
to the heart's content
of an architect no one can imitate
heartbeats precipitate in the middle of whirling instinct
the dream of only tonight dances fiercely
to the limits of this body

it burns fiercely

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