Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together
Hey, my friends, on the other side of the hill
What kind of scenery possibly awaits us
Hey, my friends, let's climb it together
It's too soon to look back
Let's get back up, and with our powers combined
Let's release this Soul Drive
Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together
Keep on running, keep on running, until you finally get there
Keep on challenging, again and again
Hey, my friends, will those tears someday
become someone's courage?
Why don't you see all that hidden power?
Accelerate, this Soul Drive
Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together
Shout, shout, your true "you"
Raise your burning voice
Let's get back up, and with our powers combined
Let's release this Soul Drive
Advance, advance, until the limits of your power
With our lives burning, let's go together
Keep on running, keep on running, until you finally get there
Keep on challenging, again and again
My friends, let's live the "now"
Let's keep going together, no matter what