Lyrics for Velvet Underworld from Weiss Kreuz by Weiß (Opening #1)

Shinku no juutan ni nita
kono yo no hana wa minna omote
sono shita ni nagareru yami
kanashimi wa soko kara umare
aa kokoro sae itsuwatte ikiruno ka
hito wa sadame ni ayatsurareru dake

tada itoshiki mono dakishime
chiisaki mono mamoru tame
kyou mo dare ka ga sakebu
kono inochi sae mo nagedashi
toki no naka de moetsukiru
sono isshun ni kuchisuke o

yokuboo ni yogoreta machi
fukinukeru kaze dake sora e
fumininji rarete yuku ai
te no hira ni nokotta namida

aa egao made ubawarete ikiru no ka
dare mo kizutsuki kokoro mo naiteru

hizamazuite inori o kakan nai
mono mamoritai
mune ni juuji o kizamu
kono tomerarenai nani ka o
osaerareru tamashii o
tada shinjitai itsu made mo

kumo ga kiete hoshi ga mieru
kaze ga tomari tori ga utau
umi ga hikari sora ni tokeru
yoru ga owari kimi o kanjiru

tada itoshiki mono dakishime
chiisaki mono mamoru tame
kyou mo dare ka ga sakebu
kono inochi sae mo nagedashi
toki no naka de moetsukiru
sono isshun ni kuchisuke

hizamazuite inori o kakan nai
mono mamoritai
mune ni juuji o kizamu
kono tomerarenai nani ka o
osaerareru tamashii o
tada shinjitai itsu made mo

深紅の絨毯に似た この世の華はみな・
その下に流れる闇 悲しみはそこから生まれ
Ah 心さえ偽って 生きるのか

★ただ愛しきもの抱きしめ 小さきもの守るため
 今日も誰かが叫ぶ この命さえも投げ出し
 歴史(とき)の中で燃えつきる その一瞬に口づけを

欲望に汚れた街 吹き抜ける風だけ空へ
踏みにじられていく愛 手のひらに残った涙
Ah 笑顔まで奪われて 生きるのか
誰も傷つき 心もがいてる

今ひざまずいて祈りを 果敢ないもの守りたい
胸に庶嘯盾゙ この止められない何かを
押さえられぬ魂を ただ信じたい いつまでも

雲が切れて 星が見える 風が止まり 鳥が歌う
海が光り 空にとける 夜が終わる 君を感じる


今ひざまずいて祈りを 果敢ないもの守りたい
胸に庶嘯盾゙ この止められない何かを
押さえられぬ魂を ただ信じたい いつまでも

the world's flowers like a carpet of crimson red
as one scatter and toss through the air
sorrow and sadness are born there
from the darkness that streams underneath
ah, are hearts only meant to lie?
are people just puppets of fate

{only to embrace those we love
and protect those small and precious
today again some one shouts that out
sacrificing even their life
to smolder in the midst of time
with that instant kiss.}

in this city stained with greed
there is only wind blowing towards the sky
all that is left of trampled love
is the tear left in the palm of my hand
ah, were smiles only meant to sunder?
every one has their wounded hearts

[I want to protect those timid creatures
those who kneel in prayer
I'll even carve a cross in my chest
to believe in something unstoppable
and the irrepressible spirit
now and forever]

the clouds disperse the stars are seen
the wind stills the birds sing
the ocean shines the heavens thaw
the night ends I feel you

repeat {}
repeat []

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