Lyrics for Ego from Gundam UC by Mika Kobayashi (Episode 3 Insert)

You can deeply hold your bliss for loneliness
For the perfect smile I smell your ego on the way
It's been since I saw the snow
You've been told before
All the things have gone

You told me, so many mental heavy days
Do the right thing but always wrong eventually
In his arm for dreaming on
But we're not the same
So anymore...

Give me your hand I really need your help
It's not a game
What are you saying?
Trembling in the dark
It's time to find answer
Life for counter by the storm
The wave is all of the world
Have you tried to face your days that you can learn



Give me your hand to feel your face so much
It's not a game
What are you saying?
Working in the day
It's time to find answer
Life for counter by your storm
The wave is all of the world
Have you tried to face your days that you can learn

You can deeply hold your bliss for loneliness
For the perfect smile I smell your ego on the way
It's been since I saw the snow
I've been read before
At the end of lines
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
You can deeply hold your bliss for loneliness
For the perfect smile I smell your ego on the way
It's been since I saw the snow
You've been told before
All the things have gone

You told me, so many mental heavy days
Do the right thing but always wrong eventually
In his arm for dreaming on
But we're not the same
So anymore...

Give me your hand I really need your help
It's not a game
What are you saying?
Trembling in the dark
It's time to find answer
Life for counter by the storm
The wave is all of the world
Have you tried to face your days that you can learn



Give me your hand to feel your face so much
It's not a game
What are you saying?
Working in the day
It's time to find answer
Life for counter by your storm
The wave is all of the world
Have you tried to face your days that you can learn

You can deeply hold your bliss for loneliness
For the perfect smile I smell your ego on the way
It's been since I saw the snow
I've been read before
At the end of lines
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