Lyrics for Honto no Kimochi from Persona 4 The Animation by Shihoko Hirata (Ending #4)

Hitori de makasete o-rusuban mo ne dakara
Otou-san osokutatte daijoubu da yo
Hitori de sugoshite sabishii to mado hiraku
Okaa-san mitete hoshikute sora no ue kara
Oboeteru no wa ne atataka na egao
Ano hi nakushita no sono subete o

Futari de tsukutte nakayoku gohan taberu
Onii-chan iru yo sore de sabishikunai yo
Demo ne hontou wa kazoku no minna de itai
Sono omoi koraeteru no

Aitai aitai ima sugu ni aitai
Soshite hora mae mitai ni nee waratte
Okorazu ni dakishimete yasashii kimochi de
Namida afureteru mune no sukima fusaide atataka na te no hira de ne

Sono toki kizuita jibun igai no itami
Sabishisa mo issho ni ireba norikoereru yo
Itsu de mo doko de mo nando de mo nee iu yo
Otou-san wasurenaide ne daisuki yo

一人で任せてお留守番もねだから お父さん遅くたって大丈夫だよ
一人で過して寂しいと窓開く お母さん見てて欲しくて空の上から
覚えているのはね暖かな笑顔 あの日無くしたのその全てを

二人で作って仲良くご飯食べる お兄ちゃんいるよそれで寂しくないよ
でもね本当は家族のみんなでいたい その思いこらえてるの

会いたい会いたい 今すぐに会いたい
怒らずに抱きしめて 優しい気持ちで
涙溢れてる胸の隙間塞いで 暖かな掌でね

その時気付いた自分以外の痛み 寂しさも一緒にいれば乗り越えれるよ
何時でも何処でも何度でもねぇ言うよ お父さん忘れないでね 大好きよ
Since I’m trusted to watch the house by myself
Even if Daddy is late, I’ll be okay
When it’s lonely to spend time by myself, I open the window
Wanting Mommy to watch over me from above the sky
What I remember are her warm smile
and everything I lost on that day

Happily eating the dinner that we made together
Big Bro is with me, so I’m not lonely
But the truth is, I want to be with all of my family
That’s the wish I hold back in myself

I want to see her, I want to see her, I want to see her now
And, look, please smile like you did before
Please hug me calmly with tender feelings
Please cover the gap in my heart, overflowing with tears, with your warm palms

At that moment, I realized I’m not the only one in pain
If we’re together, we can overcome loneliness
I’ll say it again and again, anytime, anywhere
Daddy, please don’t forget that I love you

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