Lyrics for Blasa from The Legend of Condor Hero by Yae (Ending #1)

Yuugure ni somaru koro
Umareta machi o dete yuku
Wazukana omoide o
Kaban ni tsumete tsurete yuku

Tooi sora nagai michi
Furikaerazuni aruita
Koko kara wa nakanai
Mune ni kimete dekake you

Kita no sora wa
Watashi o tsutsundekureru
Aitai hito o
Basho o oshiete kureteru

Mado ni motarete naiteita hibi wa
Ima kara kawari hajimeru deshou

Kono machi wa takusan no
hito ga ikitai sore de yuku
Otanai no kao ya nama
Sae mo shirazuni ikite iru

Nani mo kamo
Atarashii mono ni kaete
Yume miru koto mo
Wasurete hashitte yuku no

Watashi no shiroi chiisai kotoba wa
Todokanai kono machi no hana
Ani saeru

Mado ni motarete naiteita hibi wa
Ima kara kawari hajimeru deshou
Mou ichido
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
When the sky is dyed
in the color of dusk
I am leaving this town
where I was born
With a little bit of my memory
packed in the luggage I carry away

Far away sky, long away road
I walked without turning back
I won’t cry from this point on
so I decide in my heart as I part

Northern sky shall wrap around me
Teaches me the place to find people
I want to meet
The days when I cried
leaning onto the window
Shall now begin to change away

Good bye...
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