Lyrics for Kotonoha from Bungaku Shoujo Memoire I by Kokia (Ending #1)

Deai wa totsuzen kami o sukū kaze ga anata o hakonde kita no
Sora ni ukabete ita itooshī hito o omou kimochi ni daka rete itai

Mune ni hirogaru shiawasena kimochi ni tsutsuma rete yuku
Machikogarete ita taisetsunahito wa kitto anata…

Doko ka sabishi kina sekai de sagashite ita kokoro ni katarikakeru
Yasashiku natsukashī atatakai koe o Konoha wa shizuka ni yuragu

Hitori de mite ita sora ni anata no kotonoha ukabete
Arinomama no watashi o sotto yorisowa sete hoshī

Mune ni hirogaru shiawasena kimochi ni tsutsuma rete yuku
Machikogarete ita taisetsunahito wa kitto anata…
出逢いは突然 髪をすくう風があなたを運んできたの
空に浮かべていた 愛おしい人を想う 気持ちに抱かれていたい

胸に広がる 幸せな気持ちに包まれてゆく
待ち焦がれていた 大切な人は きっと あなた…

どこか寂し気な 世界で探していた 心に語りかける
優しく懐かしい あたたかい声を 木葉は静かに 揺らぐ

ありのままの私を そっと寄り添わせてほしい

胸に広がる 幸せな気持ちに包まれてゆく
待ち焦がれていた 大切な人は きっと あなた…

Our meeting was sudden, the wind that combed through my hair brought you with it,
I want to be embraced by my feelings, thinking of my beloved, floating in the sky.

I'm wrapped up in this feeling of happiness spreading in my heart,
The important person I've been longing for must be you...

You speak to my heart that searched through a lonely world,
The tree leaves sway with a kind, nostalgic, warm voice.

Your poem comes to me as I look at the sky alone,
I want you to snuggle close to me, the real me.

I'm wrapped up in this feeling of happiness spreading in my heart,
The important person I've been longing for must be you...

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