Lyrics for Departure from Nurarihyon no Mago 2 by Katate Size (Ending #2)

Let's get on Make up your mind to find yourself
tabi ni deyou tsukamou Who you are

kanransha mitai hoshitachi ga yukkuri to mawaru
machi wa sazanami tomaru koto shiranai Beat
dokokade atta kigashita no ha kinosei ?
minna ni deatte tomo ni ikite
sonna hibi no imi wo tsumugunda
Endless Mission

One for all (kesshite uragirarenai Soul Mates)
(kishikaisei makenai Your Eyes) tsunagatteru Heart
(kosei ga atsumareba mugendai )
tatoe donna ni tooku ni hanareta toki mo (Live Live Live Together)

kaze yo sora yo naze bokura yume oitsuzukerun deshou?
sasaerarete bakaride minna no CHIKARA ni nareteta kana?
atsuki omoi daki shimete jibun rashii michi o ikou
mou ichido motto tsuyoku minna no hikari ni nareru hi made

Sunrise kyou mo mata chiheisen wo yukkuri egaki dasu
tokei no hari ha kikareru koto nakutemo Sing
sekai to iu butai ni tatte ikiteru
tanoshii koto kanashii koto
sonna hibi no naka ni mitsukeyou
Endless Passion

Loss Gain (kimi mo boku mo nogasuna Big Chance)
(kitai wo kibou ni kae Good Choice) taemanaku Try
(zetsubou no ito toku Patience)
tatoe nandomo nandomo nakiharashitemo (Keep Keep Keep Growing Up)

hana yo niji yo naze bokura akogare o dakun deshou?
zaratsuita suna no youna kako no kioku ni ashidoraretemo
tadashii kotae hitotsu dato dare ga tsukitsuke tatte
mou nidoto mayowanai shinjitsu wa kono kokoro ga shitteru
I know the truth The truth knows me

donna ni kansha no kimochi tsutaetemo tarinai yo
donna ni jouzu ni kotoba ni shitatte Not enough ...
haruka na toki wo hete yatto todokerareruno deshou
hatto suru youna OORA matotte
To You You You You
Everyday and everything for you

kaze yo sora yo naze bokura yume oitsuzukerun deshou?
sasaerare tebakaride minna no chikara ni nareteta kana?
atsuki omoi dakishimete jibun rashii michi wo ikou
mou ichido motto tsuyoku minna no hikari ni nareru hi made

haru yo natsu yo naze bokura samayoi tsuzukerun deshou ?
kigi ga kare fuyu ga kite iro no nai sekai nando mo kuguri
tadashii kotae hitotsu dato dare ga tsukitsuke tatte
mou nidoto mayowanai shinjitsu ha kono kokoro ga shitteru

HONTO no jibun mitsumete
kiseki okose Future
Right Now saa, tabidatou

'Good-bye for now'
'I'm always with you'
'You're always with me'
Let's get on Make up your mind to find yourself
旅に出よう つかもう Who you are

観覧車みたい 星達がゆっくりと廻る
街はさざ波 留まる事知らない Beat
何処かで会った気がしたのは 気のせい?
みんなに出会って 共に生きて
そんな日々の意味を 紡ぐんだ
Endless Mission

One for all (決して裏切られない Soul Mates)
(起死回生負けない Your Eyes) 繋がってるHeart
たとえどんなに遠くに離れた時も (Live Live Live Together)

風よ 空よ 何故僕ら 夢追い続けるんでしょう?
支えられてばかりで みんなのチカラになれてたかな?
熱き想い 抱き締めて 自分らしい道を行こう
もう一度 もっと強く みんなの光になれる日まで

Sunrise 今日もまた 地平線をゆっくり描き出す
時計の針は 聴かれる事なくても Sing
楽しいこと 悲しいこと
そんな日々の中に 見つけよう
Endless Passion

Loss Gain (キミも僕も逃すなBig Chance)
(期待を希望に変え Good Choice) 絶え間なくTry
たとえ何度も何度も泣きはらしても (Keep Keep Keep Growing Up)

花よ 虹よ 何故僕ら 憧れを抱くんでしょう?
ざらついた砂のような 過去の記憶に足取られても
正しい答え 一つだと 誰が突きつけたって
もう二度と 迷わない 真実はこの心が知ってる
I know the truth The truth knows me

どんなに感謝の気持ち伝えても 足りないよ
どんなに上手に言葉にしたって Not enough…
遥かな時を経て やっと届けられるのでしょう
To You You You You
Everyday and everything for you

風よ 空よ 何故僕ら 夢追い続けるんでしょう?
支えられてばかりで みんなのチカラになれてたかな?
熱き想い 抱き締めて 自分らしい道を行こう
もう一度 もっと強く みんなの光になれる日まで

春よ 夏よ 何故僕ら 彷徨い続けるんでしょう?
木々が枯れ 冬が来て 色の無い世界何度もくぐり
正しい答え 一つだと 誰が突きつけたって
もう二度と 迷わない 真実はこの心が知ってる

ホントの自分 見つめて
Right Now さあ、旅立とう

'Good-bye for now'
'I'm always with you'
'You're always with me'

Let's get on Make up your mind to find yourself
Who you are going out on a journey grab

Star like our Ferris wheel slowly goes around
Beat the city do not know that ripples remain
I feel that we met somewhere is my imagination?
I met people living together
I spin the meaning of such a day we
Endless Mission

One for all (Soul Mates does not disappoint)
Has led Heart (Your Eyes will not lose revival)
(Infinity if Atsumare personality)
Even when no matter how far away (Live Live Live Together)

Why would not we'll continue to follow a dream sky wind?
Did not familiar with everyone's power is supported by just?
Let's go the way embracing one's own passionate feelings
Everyone can become the light of day again more strongly

Slowly on the horizon Sunrise also portray today
Sing also be heard without the needle of the clock
Alive standing on the world stage that
Sadly fun
Trying to find such people during the day
Endless Passion

(Big Chance Do not miss I, but also you) Loss Gain
Try incessantly (Good Choice would like to change expectations)
(Patience solve thread of despair)
Nakiharashi even though again and again (Keep Keep Keep Growing Up)

Why would not we feel a longing I'll flower rainbow?
Also been taken foot in memory of the past, such as rough sand
What shoves and who is one correct answer
The truth is I will not hesitate anymore, this heart knows
I know the truth The truth knows me

I can not even tell enough how grateful
What Not enough no matter how well the words were ...
It will be delivered over time and doing a far
Such as wearing aura is taken aback
To You You You You
Everyday and everything for you

Why would not we'll continue to follow a dream sky wind?
Did not familiar with everyone's power is supported by just?
Let's go the way embracing one's own passionate feelings
Everyone can become the light of day again more strongly

We will not continue wandering why I'll spring summer?
A world without color wicket many times has come winter the trees withered
What shoves and who is one correct answer
The truth is I will not hesitate anymore, this heart knows

Really staring at his
Future miracle can fire
Now Right Now, I Tabidato

'Good-bye for now'
'I'm always with you'
'You're always with me'

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