Lyrics for Pursuing My True Self (TV Size) from Persona 4 The Animation by Shihoko Hirata (Opening #1)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
We are living our lives
Abound with so much information
Come on, let go of the remote
Don't you know you're letting all the junk flood in?
Try to stop the flow, double-clicking on the go
But it's no use; hey, I'm being consumed
Loading... Loading... Loading...
Quickly reaching maximum capacity
Warning... Warning... Warning!
Gonna short-circuit my identity (Ahh!)

Get up on your feet, tear down the walls
Catch a glimpse of the hollow world
Snooping 'round town will get you nowhere
You're locked up in your mind...
We're all trapped in a maze of relationships
Life goes on with or without you
I swim in the sea of the unconscious
I search for your heart, pursuing my true self

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