Lyrics for Neglected Garden from Karigurashi no Arietti by Cécile Corbel (Opening #1)

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So many years have passed
The dew is still on the roses
I left my childhood
In a garden green.

Come in the garden
And look at the trees
I used to play there when I was a child
Squirrels and birds
Little fairies
Settled down there long ago.

So many years have passed
The dew is still on the roses
I left my childhood
In a garden green.

Come in the garden
And sit on the grass
I used to sit there when I was a child
Ivy and moss
Little daisies
Covered the lane long ago.

So many years have passed
The dew is still on the roses
I kept my memories
In that garden green.

I kept my memories
In that garden green.

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