Lyrics for To Be Free from Sol Bianca by Stella Furst (Ending #2)

Though you try to drain my mind
With all your foolish lies
I am fragile but powerful
No need to deny
Listen to my deed
I know your scheme
Is just a constant bluff
I need to get away
From this game you like to play

To be free
As free as a bird can be
Got a goal to reach
Be free
As free as a bird can be
Though you may not believe it

"Come and going as you please"
Was never in the line
Wining, dining, amplyfying
Need to go and shine

Destined to complete
My endless need
Before the dawn erupts
I'm gonna hide away
Got a creed that beats my greed

To be free
As free as a bird can be
Got a goal to reach
Be free
As free as a bird can be
You better believe it
I am free
As free as a bird can be
Got a goal to reach
Be free
As free as a bird can be
Although you may not believe it

If you try to drain my mind
You'll wind up hypnotized
I am fragile yet powerful
Don't think otherwise

I'm free to make it
I'm free to make it
I'm free to make it
I'm free to make it

Gotta find the way
Just to make my day
Gonna be a bird
That'll fly away
Not a soul in the world that could stop
Not a chance in the world
that'll take my place
Gotta find my way out of here
Gotta find my way to the freedom zone
Not a soul in the world that can stop
Gotta find my way to the freedom zone

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