Lyrics for Humming Girl (TV Size) from A Channel by Aoi Yuuki (Ending #1)

akane ni narabu
seitaka ka keboushi
tanoshii ichinichi no owari

sukinai oshaberi
mada mada aru keredo
sorosoro ouchini kaeranakucha

ja ne ashita ne
meeru suru kara
kyou no peeji ni minna osoroi no egao

ja ne ashita ne
itsumo arigatou
kyou mo issho ni irete yokatta na

ru ru ru kaze to kokoro HAMINGU suru
tsugino kato de furimuki nagara BAI BAI
あかねに並ぶ背高影法師 楽しい一日の終わり

尽きない お喋りまだまだあるけれど
そろそろ お家に帰らなくちゃ

じゃあね 明日ね メールするから

じゃあね 明日ね いつもありがとう
今日も 一緒に入れてよかったな
るるる 風と心ハミングする
次の 角で 振り向きながらバイバイ

A red glow casts our long matching silhouettes, each day ending in fun.

There’s still plenty to talk about, but…
It’s about time that I go home.

Bye-bye. See you guys tomorrow. I’ll be texting!
With today’s page turned, everyone’s smiling face matched.

Bye-bye. See you guys tomorrow. Thanks for everything!
It was fun being together taking in today again.
Lu-lu-lu. With the wind, our hearts hum.
Waving bye-bye at the next corner while looking back.

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