Lyrics for Ranbu no Melody (TV Size) from Bleach by SID (Opening #13)

shizuka ni shizuka ni maku wa kiriotoshi
kakusei no yoake ni aoi honoo

bokura wa make wo shiranai yowasa o dakishime aruita
atarashii kiba de jidai o kizame

shizuka ni shizuka ni maku wa kiriotoshi
kakusei no yoake ni aoi honoo
mamoritai anata ni deaeru sono hi made wa
yuushuu no bi yori me no mae no teki o

itoshikute itoshikute hokani wa nanimo nakute
koko kara miwatashita keshiki zenbu
matomete tsurete itte ageru sa hanasanai de
zutto nariyamanu ranbu no MERODI

静かに 静かに 幕は斬りおとし
覚醒の夜明けに 蒼い炎
僕らは 負けを知らない弱さを 抱きしめ 歩いた
新しい牙で 時代を刻め
静かに 静かに 幕は斬りおとし
覚醒の夜明けに 蒼い炎
「守りたいあなた」に 出会える その日までは
有終の美より 目の前の敵を
愛しくて 愛しくて 他には何もなくて
ここから見渡した 景色 全部
まとめて 連れていってあげるさ 離さないで
ずっと鳴り止まぬ 乱舞のメロディ

Quietly, quietly,
Cut the curtains down
On the dawn of awakening
Blue flames are born

We walked, hugged
Embracing a weakness that knows of no defeat
Let us carve a new era
With a pair of new fangs

Quietly, quietly,
Cut the curtains down
On the dawn of awakening
Blue flames are born

Until that day when I met you,
the one that I want to protect the most,
I'd rather take my enemies
Than go for a long night

So loved, so loved
That I don't need anything else
I will watch everything from here on
I'll finish it all and lead you there
Just don't let this go

The melody of this wild dance
Never stops echoing

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