Lyrics for Toumei Datta Sekai from Naruto: Shippuuden by Motohiro Hata (Opening #7)

ano hi honto ni ushinatta monotte nan dattakke
tou ni wasurete shimatta yo

yuugure de futari sukoshizutsu mienaku natte itte
sore na no ni bokura kaerazu ni ita

dokoka ni kowaresou na moroi kokoro
tsuyogaru kotoba de ootte kakushiteru ootte kakushiteru

sayonara aenaku nattatte bokura wa tsuzuki ga aru kara
kimi no inai sekai datte hashiru yo itsuka no itami mo koete

wareta garasu no kakera kusamura no nioi natsu no kizuguchi
nee kimi wa ima doko ni iru no

sumikitta mizu mo itsushika nibuku nigotte shimatte
kizuitara boku mo otona ni natteta

yurayura minamo ranhansha shiteita
hikari wa imademo kagayaki watatteru kagayaki watatteru

sayonara ano hi te o futte are kara kimi mo kawattan darou
soredemo ikite ikun datte ikutsumo nakitai yoru o koete

ano hi honto ni ushinatta monotte nan dattakke

sayonara aenaku nattatte bokura wa tsuzuki ga aru kara
boku ga tsukuru sekai nande hashiru yo itsuka mita mirai mo koete
あの日 ホントに失ったものって何だったっけ

夕暮れで 二人 少しずつ見えなくなっていって
それなのに 僕ら 帰れずにいた

どこかに 壊れそうな脆い心
強がる言葉で覆って隠してる 覆って隠してる

サヨナラ 会えなくなったって 僕らは続きがあるから
君のいない世界だって走るよ いつかの痛みも越えて

割れたガラスのかけら 草むらの匂い 夏の傷口
ねぇ 君は今 どこにいるの

澄み切った水も いつしか鈍く濁ってしまって
気づいたら 僕も 大人になってた

ゆらゆら 水面 乱反射していた
光は今でも輝き渡ってる 輝き渡ってる

サヨナラ あの日 手を振って あれから君も変わったんだろう
それでも生きていくんだって いくつも泣きたい夜を越えて

あの日 ホントに失ったものって何だったっけ

サヨナラ 会えなくなったって 僕らは続きがあるから
僕が創る世界なんで走るよ いつか見た未来も越えて
What I actually lost that day.. what was it, I wonder..
I've already long since forgotten

Even though we parted ways, sinking bit by bit into the sunset..
..we somehow stopped, having never therefrom returned

Now, somewhere, a fragile little heart.. looking as if about to crumble..
..has masked itself layers down beneath the tough act.. masked layers down..

Farewell.. even though our paths were never to converge.. we have to take them and go on
I will keep running, even in this world that lacks 'you'.. striving to transcend the pain of a certain day

Pieces of shattered glass.. the scent of the meadow.. the wound from that summer..
Pray tell, where ARE you?

Even glittering pure water can turn murky in a blink
When I came to realize that, I was already a grown-up

Even with the water surface wavering, shaking away the reflection
the light still blazes its way far and out.. blaze far and out

Farewell.. how I've wondered how much you've changed since the day we waved hands
still I've lived on.. countless nights smothering the tearful lump in my throat

What I actually lost that day.. what was it, I wonder..

Farewell.. even though our paths were never to converge.. we have to take them and go on
In the world that I'll make, I'll keep running.. striving to transcend the future that I saw a certain day
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