Lyrics for Walk no Yakusoku (TV Size) from Shiki by Nangi (Ending #1)

ooki na yume mezashi aruite ita
mayoi mayotte owari no nai tabi
ano toki wa yuki majiri no ame de
namida ka dou ka wakaranakatta
sayonara mou nido to aenai

watashi ga eranda mirai e mata ippo fumidasu yo
ooki na kabe o koete
suki datta no ni doushite saigo da nante itta no
ima de wa chanto wakaru dakara nee WALK tsuyoku
大きな夢 目指し歩いていた
迷い迷って 終わりのない旅
あの時は 雪混じりの雨で
涙かどうか わからなかった
さよなら もう二度と会えない

私が、選んだ未来へ また一歩踏み出すよ
大きな 壁を超えて
今ではちゃんとわかる だから ねぇ"walk"強く...
Aiming for a great dream, I walked
I get lost and lost on my endless journey
Back then, in the rain mixed with snow
I didn't know if they were tears or not
I bade you goodbye, that we can't ever meet again

I'll take another step forward to the future I chose
Overcoming the great wall
Even though you once loved me, why did you say "it's the end"?
Now I know it very well, so hey, I'll "walk" strong...

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