Lyrics for Color Me Dark (TV Size) from Highschool of the Dead by Maon Kurosaki (Ending #2)

aka ni nureru hoho no mukishitsu ga kanjou o kuruwaseru

dakara zutto boku no soba ni ite zutto mimamotte ite
fukai yami ni karada o uzumete ima wa subete o wasureyou
hageshii koe ga kokoro o iyashite yami o tatsu kara
hikari no naka dakarete nemuru tenshi no you na yokogao ni
kodoku o shitta boku tachi wa tada sugaritakatta dake na no kana

紅に濡れる頬の無機質が 感情を狂わせる

だから ずっとぼくの傍にいて ずっと見守っていて
深い闇に 身体を埋めて 今はすべてを忘れよう
激しい 声が 心を癒して 闇を断つから
光の中抱かれて眠る 天使のような横顔に
孤独を知ったぼくたちは ただ すがりたかっただけなのかな

The lifelessness of your cheeks soaked red drives my emotions mad

So please be by my side forever, please watch over me forever
Burying my body in the deep darkness, let's forget about everything now
Because a fierce voice will heal my heart and sever the darkness
There's the view of a sleeping angelic face from the side, held within the light
I wonder if we, who knew loneliness, only just wanted to cling onto that

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