Lyrics for Yuuki Rinrin from Shin Koihime Musou ~Otome Tairan~ by Engi no San Otome (Ending #1)


ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya
ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya

kita kita ran ran dai ran ran kono kokoro mo choppiri midarechau
ichinan satte mata ichinan demo minna ga iru kara ganbareru

hawawa hawawa hawawa hawahawa hawawa hawawa hawahawa

otome to otome no ai kotoba sore nigenai megenai akiramenai~ [hai~]
wazawai tenjite fuku to nasu kizutsuku hodo ni yasashiku nareru wa [hai~]

koi mo yuujou mo tatakai mo zenbu [taisetsu sugite komacchau~]
shinjite yume mite koi shite ai shite
[koketsu ni irazunba 'koi' o ezu]
[boketsu wa horazu ni koi youyou]

iza~ yuuki rinrin dakishimete iko~ kokontouzai doko made mo
kakugo o kimete tsutae ni yuku wa [senri no 'koi' mo ippo kara] [hai~]
ima~ dai dai dai suki ai narite aa~ ishindenshin negawakuba
anata no egao mamoreru you ni [koi suru otome ni nigon nashi]
[koi suru otome wa kokushimusou]

ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya
ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya ai ya ai ya ai ya iyaiya

momo kuri sannen kaki hachinen kono koi ga mi o musubu no wa nannen
juunen hyakunen issho demo kono omoi o kakete mairimasu [ai~]

aiai nyannyan meimei haohao
[anzuru yori mo umu ga yasushi]
minna ga warau to atashi mo shaoshao
[warau kado ni wa fuku kitaruu~] [ashita wa atashi no kaze ga fukuu~] [soiya~]

iza~ yuuki rinrin dakishimete iko~ tonnanshaapee doko made mo
kono hatashijou todoke ni yuku wa ['suki' mo tsumoreba yama to naru]
ima~ iiaasansuu kazoetara aa~ shinrabanshou kono subete
deaeta kiseki SHESHE kansha shite [suki koso 'koi' no jouzu nare]
[koi suru otome wa kokushimusou]

hawa hawa aiya~ hawa hawa

[GITAA SORO aru yo]

ai ai ai aai! ai ai ai aai!
ai ai ai aai! ai ai ai aai!
ai ai ai aai! ai ai ai aai!
ai ai ai aai! ai ai ai aiaiai!

ran ran ran ran ran

miimii rairai feifei penpen
[toki wa kane yori daiji desu] [ichinichi sanzen koi youyou]

iza~ yuuki rinrin dakishimete iko~ shunkashuutou itsu no hi mo
koi no ougi de tsutae ni yuku wa [manaita no ue no 'koi' ni nare] [acho~]
ima~ dai dai dai suki ai narite aa~ ishindenshin negawakuba
anata no tame ni tsuyoku naretara ['koi' migakazareba hikari nashi]
[owari yokereba subete yoshi~]

aiya aiya aiya iyaiya aiya aiya aiya iyaiya
aiya aiya aiya iyaiya aiya aiya aiya iyaiya
iyaiya iya~n

あいや あいや あいや いやいや あいや あいや あいや いやいや
あいや あいや あいや いやいや あいや あいや あいや いやいや

来た来た乱乱大乱乱 この心もちょっぴり乱れちゃう
一難去ってまた一難 でもみんながいるから頑張れる!

はわわ はわわ はわわ はわはわ はわわ はわわ はわわ はわはわ

乙女と乙女の愛言葉 それ逃げないめげない諦めないっ 【はいっ】
禍転じて福となす 傷つくほどに優しくなれるわ 【はいっ】

恋も友情も戦いもぜんぶ 「大切すぎて困っちゃうっ!」
信じて 夢みて 恋して 愛して

いざっ!勇気凛凛抱きしめて いこっ!古今東西(ここんとうざい)どこまでも
覚悟を決めて 伝えにゆくわ 「千里の『恋』も一歩から!」 【はいっ】
いまっ!大大大好き愛成りて 嗚呼っ!以心伝心願わくば
あなたの笑顔 守れるように 「恋する乙女に二言無し!」

あいや あいや あいや いやいや あいや あいや あいや いやいや
あいや あいや あいや いやいや あいや あいや あいや いやいや

桃栗三年柿八年 この恋が実を結ぶのは何年?
十年百年一生でも この懐(おもい)を賭けて参ります 【あいっ】

愛愛(あいあい) 娘娘(にゃんにゃん) 妹妹(めいめい) 好好(はおはお)
みんなが 笑うと あたしも 笑笑(しゃおしゃお)w
「笑う門には福来たるぅ~!」「あしたはあたしの風が吹くぅ~!」 【そいやー】

いざっ!勇気凛凛抱きしめて いこっ!東南北西(とんなんしゃーぺー)どこまでも
この果たし状 届けにゆくわ 「『好き』も積もれば山となる!」
いまっ!壹貳参肆(いーあーさんすー)数えたら 嗚呼っ!森羅万象このすべて
出逢えた奇跡 謝謝(シェシェ)感謝して 「好きこそ『恋』の上手なれ!」

はわ はわ あいやーっ はわ はわ


あい あい あい ああいっ あい あい あい ああいっ
あい あい あい ああいっ あい あい あい ああいっ
あい あい あい ああいっ あい あい あい ああいっ
あい あい あい ああいっ あい あい あい あいあいあい

らん らん らん らん らん

秘密(みーみー) 来来(らいらい) 飛飛(ふぇぃふぇぃ) 怦怦(ぺんぺん)
「時は金より大事です!」「一日三膳 恋揚揚(こいようよう)!」

いざっ!勇気凛凛抱きしめて いこっ!春夏秋冬いつの日も
恋の奥義で 伝えにゆくわ 「まな板の上の『恋』になれ!」 【あちょーっ】
いまっ!大大大好き愛成りて 嗚呼っ!以心伝心願わくば
あなたの為に 強くなれたら 「『恋』磨かざれば光なし!」

あいや あいや あいや いやいや あいや あいや あいや いやいや
あいや あいや あいや いやいや あいや あいや あいや いやいや
いやいや いやーん


It’s love, it’s love, It’s love no no It’s love, it’s love, it’s love no no
It’s love, it’s love, It’s love no no It’s love, it’s love, it’s love no no

When the large part of the war came, this heart also had immediate disorder
It’s been one thing after another, but everyone is standing firm!

Hawawa hawawa hawawa hawahawa hawawa hawawa hawahawa

Don’t run away from a girl and her love speech, don’t be discouraged, and don’t give up [yes]
Turn away from calamity, and make good fortune, it will take tough love [yes] [1]

Love and friendship and fighting and everything “are important and
Believe in it, see the dream, and love, love [2]
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained!”
“Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may die!”[3]

Come now! Embrace me with gusto. Let’s go! Everyone everywhere and of all ages [4]
Prepare yourself; the legend is coming to life “Because love is a giant leap!”[yes] [5]
Now! A huge, good love is coming Yeah! I wish for telepathy
Your smile protects me in that way “Without going back on your word of love!”
“Love me mister!!”[6]

It’s love, it’s love, It’s love no no It’s love, it’s love, it’s love no no
It’s love, it’s love, It’s love no no It’s love, it’s love, it’s love no no

Good things come to those that wait; how long will it take to make this love?[7]
Ten years, a hundred years or a lifetime? But I’ll bet you’re already in love

Love Love meow meow niece niece good good[8]
I’m anxious because of a simple delivery
Everyone laughs, and I smile too
“Smile and the world smiles with you!” “I want the wind to blow my way!” [No way] [9]

Come now! Embrace me with gusto. Let’s go! Southeast, Northwest or anywhere
This letter of challenge is going out in a report “”Liking” the mountain down one raindrop at a time!”[10]
Now! Being carefree is good if we count Hey! All of creation, the whole thing
Can come out and meet the miracle “Goodness surely “love” will do well [11]
“Love me mister!!”[6]

Hawa hawa it's love hawa hawa

“Guitar solo”

Love love looove! Love love looove!
Love love looove! Love love looove!
Love love looove! Love love looove!
Love love looove! Love love looove!

Run, Run, Run, Run, run

After the next secret, I’ll give you a smack
“Time is money, out of importance!” “First of the month, three bowls of rice, and love will be triumphant! [12]

Come now! Embrace me with gusto. Let’s go! To the four seasons, one day
Love’s secrets are legendary and coming Ahh! “’Love’ is at the top of the cutting board!”[achoo!] [13]
Now! A huge, good love is coming Yeah! I wish for telepathy
It’s to your advantage to feel more confident “’Love’ playfully grinds without light!”
“I refuse to let it end completely like this!”

It’s love, it’s love, It’s love no no It’s love, it’s love, it’s love no no
It’s love, it’s love, It’s love no no It’s love, it’s love, it’s love no no
No no nooooo
Note addition:
[13] The Japanese believe that when you sneeze, someone else is talking about you.

-- by quamp at 2010-06-17 07:30:01

Translator notes:
[1] Literally, “it will hurt to the point of being kind.”
[2] There are two words for love in Japanese. Koi is a long-term, everlasting, serious love; ai is all other kinds. Koi is used first, than ai.
[3] This is a spoof of a proverb; literally it means “Dig your own grave while loving in high spirits!” The proverb actually is “don’t live in high spirits just to dig your own grave.”
[4] Usually, let’s go is ikou, but iko’s meaning, orphan, didn’t quite fit here.
[5] Literally, “because love is a giant step!”
[6] Literally, “love a woman, honorable person!!”
[7] A proverb again. Literally, “Planted peach and chestnut seeds take three years to bear fruit, plums take eight.”
[8] The furigana here goes haohao, but no matter where I looked that made no sense, so I used the original meaning of the kanji.
[9] Yet another proverb; literally “Good fortune and happiness will come to the home of those who smile.”
[10] Another parody of a proverb again. The proverb is “Many a little makes a lot.”
[11] Still another proverb parody here. The proverb reads “what one likes, one will do well.”
[12] Yet another proverb parody. The original is “time is money.” Also, zen is a counter for chopsticks or bowls of rice.

-- by quamp at 2010-05-03 11:45:35

lyrics scan

-- by shin at 2010-04-21 08:55:48

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