Update 11/1
August 29th, 2013
Hey everyone! Hope you had a great Halloween! I am posting to clear a few things up.
I have been receiving a lot of questions regarding music update schedule and also requests to put titles up on the livestream. Let me answer these as simple as possible for you all.
1. Music updates will be updated weekly starting the beginning of December. Please be patient. We are all very busy and have things to get finished in our own lives. We do not make money off this site, so we have jobs and bills to keep up on as well. We cannot always come here to update music. It's not as easy as some of you may think, and sometimes it can take a while to upload a song properly.
2. We cannot put titles of any of the songs playing in the livestream at any time. Livestream has no option for us to be able to do that, so please stop asking about it. Believe me, I would certainly like to have titles up if possible, but right now we just can't do that because of the capabilities of livestream. The only way is to either search on your own or ask the chat. You do not need to create a livestream account in order to chat in the livestream chat. Just click the area and create a nickname, and you're good to go. The more people that talk in there, the more answers we can all have.
All in all, just keep the community active. It's you guys, the users that keep everything active and make everything possible for this site. If anyone has any questions regarding anything, please feel free to message me,
Inuyasha. Thank you!