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Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by gendou on 2009-04-03 02:24:15 (edited 2009-09-10 03:11:36)
Welcome to Cryptography Challenge #40!

The goal of this game is find the secret message hidden in deep space.

Once you find the secret message, send it to me in a message by clicking here.

hint 1
hint 2
hint 3

Scoreboard:Already solved it? Want to try some more? See the full list here.

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by forest on 2009-04-03 06:54:03
...How do you know if you've found it, oh Mysterious One?

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-03 07:05:14
I wonder what the 2nd hint means?? @.@

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-03 08:15:38
what is concatenate?
what is watchtower?
new earth; maybe somewhere in rp games?

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-03 08:44:23
Ahh I know where those first two come from XD
I'll think more on this later today

Schaz, it might help if you tried googling the hints, so maybe you could figure out what they mean or where they come from

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by gendou on 2009-04-03 12:24:33
You'll know when you've found the next clue because it pops up as text floating in space.
For the coordinates to new earth, trust Kara Thrace.

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-03 13:32:47
I hope I got it right... T_T

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by gendou on 2009-04-03 13:40:47 (edited 2009-04-03 13:41:01)
Shin, here are 3 clues altogether. The first clue is hint #1, while the other 2 are found in the star field.

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by Terror on 2009-04-03 14:32:05
Aha, I've been waiting to try one of these again. Guess I have my amusement for the afternoon. :3

Of course, I feel kinda "guilty" using google, lol.

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by gendou on 2009-04-03 14:44:17
It's assumed that if you haven't watched the same TV shows I have, you'll be using Google.

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by Terror on 2009-04-03 14:48:37 (edited 2009-04-03 15:12:43)
Considering what I've found, you assume correctly. >_> lol

Edit: Bingo!

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-03 18:19:08 (edited 2009-04-05 22:01:44)
Let's see if I have it right this time. =P

...unless of course, there are TWO or more sets of floating texts. ._.

EDIT: Thought so. Didn't get it. LOL. XD

EDIT #2: After 2nd attempt, finally got it. XD

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-03 23:09:09
its sure hard coz i never watch those series...n must googling it n search it between thousands of webpage =_=

anyway im done =]
hope its right ^^

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-05 06:44:13
haven't watch this so i had a hard time figuring this out...zzz...

hope i got it right... XO

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-04-14 11:00:05
dang still a few spots left on this one. D:
Hope some more solve it soon

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2009-04-14 12:11:58
Dang i jumped right to second hint and i dunno the first DX

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by on 2009-05-31 00:05:48
Sigh... I think I got the first clue. I tried using it to find the next stop, but what I see is a lonely star in the center. I'm not so sure if it has any sense. -_-

ÜÜÜ Please save the Earth!!! Stop the use of CFC's and let us rebuild the ozone layer. ÜÜÜ

Re: Cryptography Challenge #40!
Link | by dood. on 2009-06-21 23:15:08

I was confusing "concatenation" with "addition" and "collation"

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