Daily download limit
Please download no more than 100 songs per day.
Links expire
Please be aware that links expire after an hour.
You will see a warning message if you try to access a link that has expired.
No download accelerators
The use of download accelerator software is strictly prohibited for technical reasons. Attempts to download songs using a download accelerator will cause errors. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Simultaneous download limit
Please do not download more than 6 files at a time so that there is enough bandwidth for everybody to share.
Forum Conduct
All threads are public
No thread shall restrict in any way, or on any basis, the users who may or may not contribute. All users may freely contribute to any post so long as they do not violate any of the forum conduct rules, or any other rule in the Terms of Use.
Daily post limit
To maintain integrity of the forum, no more than 100 posts may be made by one user in a 24 hour period.
Disputing Upload Points
Please do NOT dispute upload points in the forum; I never make mistakes. Instead, double-check the request rules for a possible issue.
Do not petition for votes/ratings
Please, do not ask for people to vote for your song request, or to rate a certain song. If people want to rate/vote, they will do it of their own will. This is the whole purpose of these two systems.
Do not request music in the forum!
Do not request (directly or indirectly) access to or links to music files on this or any other website.
Keep it clean
Do not post any vulgar, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or threatening, illegal, or sexual content.
This includes threats of suicide.
Keep your password safe
Do not share your password with anyone!
No obscene content
Do not link to images or websites containing graphic sexual content or involving child exploitation.
No offering or announcing uploads in forum
While I appreciate users who take the time to upload requested songs, I would rather you not announce your uploads in the forum.
Also, should you possess music not requested, there is no need to offer it in the forum, so please refrain from doing so. Thank you.
No repeat posting
Do not create threads on topics for which a thread already exists.
Do not reply to the same thread more than one time in a row (instead, use the edit feature).
No spamming
Please do not post any sort of spam in the forum.
This includes, but is not limited to, affiliate programs, personal website advertisements, and games where you trick people into clicking a link to get you points.
No Torrent Sites
Please do not ask for or post links to BitTorrent trackers. There are plenty of resources for that kind of thing elsewhere!
Private messages
Please do not solicit to users via the private message system.
Be advised that all the Forum Conduct rules also apply to private messaging!
Read FAQ before asking questions
I cannot stress this rule enough! If you have a question or need help with something, 99 times out of 100 the information you need is in the FAQ. Please, please, PLEASE read the FAQ thoroughly before posting in the forum with a question or asking for help!
Report suspicious activity
Please report all rule violations and/or suspicious activity immediately by clicking the Report link above the offending post. This includes users who admit to having created multiple accounts!
Respect all users
Please show the same respect for other users that you would expect to be shown yourself. Do not argue with the moderators (including, and most importantly, the admin).
Moderators are assigned by the admin and their actions/decisions are representative of his authority.
Thread reply limit
In order to maintain integrity of the forum, no more than 50 replies may be made to a given thread (by anyone) in 24 hours time.
Using HTML
Broken or unclosed HTML tags can screw things up, so please be careful. For help, see this HTML Guide.
Waste of Time reply limit
You may post no more than 10 replies in the Waste of Time topic per 24 hours. This rule aims to protect the overall happiness of users.
Gendou Idol
Digitally mix tracks
You must sing with a MIXED karaoke back track. No a cappella.
The karaoke track must be electronically mixed with your vocal track.
Wear headphones so that the music is not audible on your vocal track!
It is NOT acceptable to record your singing over the song playing ambient in the background.
I recommend the program Audacity.
Minimum level to vote
To discourage abuse, users must be at lease level 4 to vote.
Read how user levels work here.
Must be your own voice
The page found by the URL you supply MUST be a recording of your own voice! It must also contain the exact phrase:
No auto-tune or pitch correction
In order to judge signing ability, neither auto-tuning nor any other form of digital pitch correction (such as Melodyne) is permitted.
No profanity
The song you select must contain no profanity.
Any accompanying video should also contain no profane imagery.
No Vocaloid songs
Please avoid choosing Vocaloid songs.
This TEMPORARY restriction for season 7 is intended to help encourage singing a wider breadth of songs, preferably from anime.
Playable in browser
Your song must be able to be heard after no more than one mouse click.
YouTube is a good choice.
4shared is good, too, but make sure the file name ends in ".mp3"!
Select any song
Select a song by any artist you may like, in any language.
Your selection does not have to be an Anime song.
It is discouraged to sing translations of Japanese songs.
Sing for 2+ minutes
Your must sing for a duration of AT LEAST 2 minutes during the song.
Vote fairly
You may NOT vote for yourself!
Please don't spam/pester others to vote for you.
This is a talent contest, not a popularity contest.
I would like to make it clear that donation is OPTIONAL. Use of this website in no way requires a donation or any monetary payment.
This is not a paysite, all of its contents are free. Your donation is incentive for me to continue to provide a quality service.
Downloading music
All mp3 files are for evaluation purposes only. Music downloaded from this website must be deleted after 24 hours.
This website aims to provide samples of songs, not to replace the need to buy CDs.
If you like the song, support the artist and buy their CD! I have made an effort to include buy links, author, and album information for this reason.
Music hosted on this website shall be removed once it comes to my attention that it has been licensed in the United States.
Enforcement of the rules
Failure to follow the rules stated herein may result in the following:
IP address/range ban
Account ban
Removal of signature/nickname
Deletion of forum posts
Revocation of privilege to download
Revocation of privilege to post in forum
Revocation of privilege to upload
Revocation of privilege to request music
Forum posts
All posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster.
Lyrics System
Discussion section use
The discussion sections is to be used ONLY for discussing translation/transliteration details.
For example, you might put your "translator's notes" in this section.
Or, you might raise a translation issue which relates to the lyrics on the page.
Do NOT use the discussion section to post personal comments, your opinions unrelated to the translation, or requests for lyrics.
Exclude all non-lyrical information
Information, such as artist, song title, composer, translator/transcriber name and notes should NOT appear in the lyrics body!
Also, markings to repeat a section of the lyrics should be replaced with that section in full.
Follow the capitalization standard
Please follow the capitalization standard as discussed in the FAQ.
Follow the formatting standard
Please follow the formatting standard as discussed in the FAQ.
Follow the punctuation standard
Please follow the punctuation standard as discussed in the FAQ.
Follow the Romaji standard
Please follow the Romaji standard as discussed in the FAQ.
Include source URL
Please remember to include the URL where you found the lyrics, unless you translated/transliterated them yourself.
While the lyrics are reproduced under fair use, it is important to give credit where credit is due!
No machine translations!
Please do NOT submit machine translations or transliterations! You may, of course, use a machine translation as a rough draft. Please, proof read and correct it before finalizing your edit! Fewer edits mean better site performance.
No works in progress
Please do not post incomplete transliterations/translations.
Once you are finished, you may post them, but not before.
Not sure? Leave it alone!
Some Japanese singers don't pronounce words (especially foreign ones) quite right.
Some Japanese song lyrics can be vague, meaningless, or grammatically incorrect.
Please, if you think you have found a mistake in the lyrics, but are not sure, leave them alone!
Use the proper section
The Romaji section should contain the original lyrics, even if they aren't in Japanese, with the exception that the lyrics originally in English.
The Kanji section should contain the Japanese text version of the song lyrics, which may be translated into Japanese from the original language.
The English section should contain the English translation of the lyrics, or the original lyrics if they are in English.
Vandalism will not be tolerated
Vandalism is defined as changes to lyrics that are intentionally disruptive or destructive.
This includes deletion of legitimate lyrics and insertion of nonsense or irrelevant content.
If you see a genuine error in translation, you may fix it.
If, however, you might have translated it differently as a matter of personal taste, do NOT change the lyrics!
The original translator is seen to have the creative authority, please respect it.
10 polls per day
Notice that you may create at most ten polls per 24 hour period.
Ask a question
Please phrase the poll question as a concise question with a question mark (?) at the end.
Be fair
If you have created a poll, be fair and do not take any action that will slant the results of the poll. For example, do not expedite the deadline if the results are not to your liking. Do not omit popular options and disallow write-ins.
Be inclusive
Never un-check "allow others" when the poll regards people. It is not possible to list all people. Only polls that have a finite set of sensible responses should disallow write-ins.
Be original
Please do not create a new poll on the same topic as an existing poll, even if the old poll has been closed.
Keep it clean
Do not post any vulgar, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or threatening, illegal, or sexual content.
This includes threats of suicide.
No advertising
Polls must not advertise or imply the use of a website, product, or service.
No spam
Polls must be cogent, employ proper spelling and grammar, and have some clear subject. If write-ins are not permitted, the options supplied must be sensible.
Respectful and positive
Polls must be positive and respectful.
Polls may not insult or imply insult to any other user or group of people.
Singular answer
Poll questions should have a singular answer. For example, ask for favorite color, as opposed to which color a person likes.
Your login session is recognised by a cookie (file stored on your computer). This cookie is safe and must be allowed to save in order to successfully login. If you select the "remember me" option when you login, your login and password will be saved to a separate cookie until you logout.
Children under 13 may not create accounts, however I understand this rule may be violated by children who don't know better.
If you are a parent of a child under 13 you can delete your child's account in accordance with COPPA.
Should you have access to your child's password, you can login using their account and delete it.
Otherwise, the parent must provide proof of their relationship with the user when requesting deletion of the account.
Email addresses
Your email will be kept confidential and will NOT be given out to third parties.
When you access any page, the URL, IP address, browser type and language, and the date and time of your request is logged. This information is used only to troubleshoot site problems and enforce site rules. No search information or logs will be given to any 3rd party, ever.
Private information
Your email address will be shown on your profile if you chose, otherwise it will not be shared with any 3rd party. Other private information you share on your profile or in the forum is shown publicly, so please post such information carefully at your own discretion.
Regarding banned members
In order to respect all user's right to privacy, I will not disclose the circumstances regarding banned accounts. You can see if an account has been banned on the profile page. No further information about ban duration, reason, or circumstances will be disclosed to anyone for any reason. So please do not bother asking.
Requesting Music
Anime only
Please do not request game, live action, or j-pop music which does not appear in an anime.
Appears in anime
Only songs that appear in the original Japanese version of the anime are acceptable.
Independant remixes and bootleg albums are unacceptable.
Bundled tracks on a CD single which do not pertain to the anime are also unacceptable.
Just because an artist has some songs featured in an anime, does not mean that all their songs are acceptable!
Blacklisted anime
Requests for songs from the following anime titles will NOT be accepted due to copyright issues:
Kenshin (Samurai X), Inu Yasha, Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Farm (Monster Rancher), Detective Conan (Case Closed), Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi Muyo, Dragonball, Ronin Warriors, Prince Of Tennis, One Piece, Initial D, Sailor Moon, Powerpuff Girls Z, Hoshi no Kirby, Gravitation, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Ojamajo Doremi, Keroro Gunsou.
Correct song and anime
Please enter the correct song name and anime title. The following examples are unacceptable song names:
opening theme, 2nd ed, unknown, all of them, any song, op and ed.
Definition of "anime"
For the purposes of requesting music, the definition of anime is: An animated TV show, movie, or DVD released by a Japanese company for a Japanese-speaking audience. Internet-only releases and fully computer animated (3D CG) releases are NOT included in the definition. This definition is purposefully made narrow so as to make the scope of this website manageable.
Has been released
Please double-check that the song has been released!
Check the release list.
Also, be sure to google any song that first aired within the last month or so!
Other good resources are Nipponsei and animeblogger.
Karaoke vs. instrumental
Please use "(Karaoke)" to indicate the original song less the lead vocal track. Please use "(Instrumental)" to indicate a special remake of the song with no vocal lead. I ask that you please, please, check that such a song has actually been released before submitting your request!
No drama CDs, character singles, or image albums
Please, do not request tracks from drama CDs, character singles, or image albums.
No hentai
This website is for people of all ages. Please do not request music from adult anime series.
No PV rips
Please do not request PV (Promotional Video) rips of music. In order to support the music industry, the TV size is all that I am willing to provide before the full version is officially released.
No repeat requests
Should your request be removed for any reason, please do not request the same song again.
No songs from dubs
Please do not request songs that are only played in the (English or any other language) dubbed release of an anime.
Not already online
Please double-check that the song is not already available on this website. Be sure to check alternate spellings!
Not already requested
Please double-check that the song has not already been requested. Be sure to check alternate spellings, too!
Request format
Please address only one song per entry.
If you are unsure of the artist or album, please leave it blank.
TV size
Please request TV size versions only when the full version has not yet come out. If the full version is available, there is no real point in requesting the TV size, is there?
Very old anime
Please do not request music released 10 or more years ago. This website focuses on what is currently popular.
The Chat Room
Do not ask what's on the radio
Please do NOT ask what is playing on the radio, or what has recently played! All that information is available here. Please do not ask what is in the queue. Please do not announce what is currently playing.
Don't ask to be on the radio
New DJs are not being accepted. Please, do not ask to be a radio DJ in the chat room. Do not complain about being unable to broadcast on the radio.
Don't complain about lag
Please do not complain about lag. If the chat room is lagging it is either a problem with of your connection, or the server is under immense load. Either way, complaining in the chat room will not solve your problem, so please don't do it.
Don't complain about radio content
Please respect the radio DJ and do not complain about their choice in music. They are permitted to play whatever they like.
Don't pester to turn on the radio
The radio will come on when the radio DJs decide to turn it on, and only them. Please do NOT pester DJs to turn on the radio.
Forum rules apply
All of the forum conduct rules apply to the chat room as well.
Namely, do not request music be added to the database!
You can, however, request songs to be played on the radio, when the radio show is on.
For more info about Gendou Radio, see the FAQ.
One radio request at a time
Please do not request any songs to be played on the radio if you already have a request in the queue.
Uploading Music
20 MB file size limit
The upload feature will only work for files no greater than 20 MB in size.
MP3 128kbps+ only
Songs must be in mp3 format with bitrate of 128kbps or greater. Please do not upload WMA files!
Please be patient
Uploading can take a while, so please be patient.
Thank you for taking the time to upload!
Request rules apply
Please, do not upload any files that violate the request rules (even if they are on the request list!).
Requested songs only
Please, only upload files on the request list.
User Profile
1MB total load limit
Please, be sure that no more than 1MB of automatically loaded content (pictures, flash movies, etc.) is present in your profile. This includes nickname, signature, stylesheet, and the about-me section.
Nickname (Avatar)
Your nickname (avatar) must abide by these guidelines:
Your nickname is unambiguous and does not attempt to conceal your identity.
You may not use other people's nicknames or avatars.
Your nickname is no greater than 25 pixels in height.
Your nickname is no greater than 200 pixels in width.
All images in your nickname total no more than 1MB file size, cumulatively.
If your nickname is an image (avatar), it depicts a readable textual name.
If your nickname is animated, it shows your readable textual name throughout the animation.
If your nickname is animated, there is a pause of no less than 0.5 seconds between frames.
If your nickname is animated, it does not use violently flashing clashing colors.
Your nickname is valid when rendered as HTML.
Your nickname contains no HTML that will cause improper display, including but not limited to: <br />, <marquee>, <div>, <a>, <h1>, etc.
No auto-playing media
Please do not use embedded music or video that plays automatically when the page loads.
No obscene content
Do not link to images or websites containing graphic sexual content or involving child exploitation.
Your signature (text + images) should be no greater than 100 pixels in height, and no greater than 600 pixels in width. All images in your signature should be no larger than 1MB in file size cumulatively. Please be aware that invalid HTML code or broken links in your signature may result in the contents being erased! Because some users may have epilepsy, animated signature must have at least 0.5 seconds between frames and must not use flashing clashing colors.
Stay inside the box
Please do not use absolute or relative position to move elements outside their container, because they can obscure important content outside.
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