atemu_mana (ACCOUNT BANNED)
Kanayuki Kuran
Registered:2005-04-06 23:58:47
Latest Activity:2007-08-31 23:43:19
Forum Entries: View All (3449)
Lyrics Submitted: 30
Buddies: has 7 buddies in list, is on 27 buddy lists
Request Votes: 1 total, 0 active
Song Ratings: View (1)
Contributions: 0 pending, 28 accepted, 2 rejected
About Me:

Welcome to Kanayuki Kuran's profile! I'm Kanayuki or Kana-chan for short.I'm also known as atemu-mana or just call me atemu if you like-!! I'm a Malaysian, female, 14 years-old teenager and a long time member of ever since 2005. I considered myself as one of the senior members in here.

I love anime, manga, graphic design, and writing. My hobbies would have been day-dreaming, writing, drawing, reading, singing, dancing and surfing the internet. My main hobby, drawing is still my favourite past-time. I would love to be a mangaka if I can and hopely publish my manga into anime.

I owned some sites that are belonged to me, although I did not pay for it at all but I dream on buying my own domain. Here's my sites which you can visit.
|Freya - Kanayuki Kuran's personal site | +Reflection+ - Kanayuki Kuran's journal |
|| Kanayuki Kuran's graphic journal| Kanayuki Kuran's art site|

I have adapted a hobby on making avatars and signatures for those who want in You see, I want to share my skills by contributing at least some of my pieces of work to all of you. My graphics are not so nice and I don't exactly consider it as the best among the best, but I'm happy if people have loved it more than I do. Thank you all-!

Kanayuki Kuran's avatar and signature shop is open~~!

:::Requirements before requesting:::
  • State what you want me to do. Avatar or signature?
  • State the name of the pic u want in your avatar/signature [Possibly with the image link as well]
  • State the text you want to add on your avatar/signature [As for avatar, state what name u want to add]
  • State if you wish the avatar/signature to animated or not [I suggested static is the best option since making animated images have more KBs]
  • State the size of the avatar/signature. [Avatar = max height 25 px, width 200 px ; Signature = max height 100 px, width 600 px]
  • If u wish the size to be different or if u want to use it on another place, tell me~!! Don't regret if I did something that is not your taste~
  • Please let me take at least a few days to finish the request. Sometimes it take a while to finish, sometimes just in a few minutes. Depend on my mood and my schedule since I have school + holiday trips
  • I have the right to decline your request if I find that I just can't do it since it's hard for me. You may ask someone else to do yours
  • I would like to remind that I don't do the best avatars/signatures, what I do is simple and nice. If u still want me, go ahead and request
  • I accept as many requests as possible. But I will do the first in line then following the list
  • If I don't get to you in a few days, feel free to send me a message asking how is your avatar doing. I'll be replying back with a reason. But only after a few days, the limit is 3-days
  • I have the right to close down the shop for my own personal purpose. But right now, I don't think I'll be closing the shop
  • After you get your avatar/signature, please reply back to me that you got it. I need to know if the avatar/signature I made for you did reach you
  • Send a message to me by clicking HERE with the request details.

    Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
    Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
    Love avatar-making and signature making.
    Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
    Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
    Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

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