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Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 19:29:48 (edited 2012-04-20 10:52:18)

Welcome to Claim an Voice Actor/Actor/Singer thread!!

Hey everyone, this is a claim thread much like the claim thread in the anime thread except this thread only allows you to claim voice actors/singers/actors from either Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and etc. So please read the following rules before you post who you wish to claim.

Here are the rules and few things you need to know:

→Just like the claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread, you can request to claim any of your favorite voice actors/actors/singer from any country but there’s a limit, you can only claim one voice actors/actor/singer. As in O-N-E..One!

→First come, First Serve. Like in the other claim thread in the Anime section; You can't claim an actor/singer that has been claimed before! Now just to let you know, Daisuke Ono is Claimed by me!!! Sorry everyone who loves Daisuke Ono. He's taken! ^^|||

→Like in the other claim thread again; If ever you want to change the actor/singer you claimed, you can say so in this thread. You can change an actor/singer every 2 months, creating banners is a hassle you know. -.-; If possible, please stick to that character you claimed and make sure that you really want him/her for yourself FOREVER! Don't go making frequent changes, please. *_*

→Once a claimed character has been dropped/changed, that character is free for claiming again! :D

→You need to be at least a level 10 member. You can view your level in your profile. There are many good ways to raise your level. Read Gendou's FAQ to know how.

→You’ll be receiving a banner stating which character you claimed with the picture of the character and your name in it. You’re to put it in your profile and link it back to this thread. You can request a banner made by me if you wish, but do not rush me. Also the claim icon must always be at 100px , just like in the "Claim an Anime/Manga/Game Character thread"

→Please use this format in claiming a character:

Name of the Voice Actor/Actor/Singer: Last name comma First Name
Series Name:(State which shows the actor had acted on or which band the singer is part of, if the singer is not part of any group just state None.)
Nation : (State which nation the actor or singer is from)
A link to the Image of the character: (must be a decent, medium sized image; use to upload your image)

… and please state if whether or not you want me to make your banner.

Drop the request in this thread...

→Always check this post for updates and be sure to check the claim list to verify if a character has already been claimed.

→If ever your request to claim a character is taking too long then it probably means that person is busy or forgot about it. :(

I think I already pointed out what needs to be known. If you have any questions and suggestions, please post them here. If you think you have the time, please help me out in making banners. I definitely need lots of hands in organizing this thread….
What are you waiting for?! Claim that actor/singer now before someone claims it! Have fun everyone~!

©Credits goes to Jayel for giving me this inspiration along with the coding

My application:
Name of the Actor/Singer: Danson Tang
Series Name: Actor: Rolling Love, K'O; Singer: None
Nation : Taiwan
I already made myself a claim banner XD.


Aki Toyosaki
Aki Toyosaki claimed by

Akiko Yoshida
Akiko Yoshida claimed by

Andrew Lee-Pots
Andrew Lee-Pots is Claimed by

Aqua Timez
Futoshi Kawasaki claimed by

Matsumoto Jun claimed by

Koshi Inaba claimed by

BoA claimed by

CooRie is Claimed by clannadkanon

Daisuke Ono
Daisuke Ono claimed by

Xiah claimed by

Erika Toda
Erika Toda claimed by

Fast Forward
Blaise Plant is Claimed by

Keiko Kubota claimed by

F.T Island
Lee Hong Ki claimed by

Fukuyama Jun
Fukuyama Jun claimed by

Gackt Camui
Gackt Camui claimed by

Satoshi claimed by

Han Hyo Joo
Han Hyo Joo claimed by

Haruna Ono
Haruna Ono claimed by

Ikuta Toma
Ikuta Toma claimed by

jang geun suk
Jang geun suk claimed byRie Hirayuki

Kamiya Hiroshi
Kamiya Hiroshi claimed by

Ken Hirai
Ken Hirai claimed by

Kesha Rose Sebert
Kesha Rose Sebert claimed by

Kotobuki Minako claimed by
Satomi Satou claimed by
Taketatsu Ayana claimed by

KOTOKO claimed by

Lady GaGa
Lady GaGa claimed by

Lisa claimed by

Maya claimed by

Maaya Sakamoto
Maaya Sakamoto claimed by

Maximum Hormone

Ryo Kawaita
claimed by

Mayer Hawthorne
Mayer Hawthorne claimed by

MC Mong
MC Mong claimed by

Megumi Hinata
Megumi Hinata is Claimed by

Nana Mizuki
Nana Mizuki claimed by

Takahashi Masuda claimed by clk222

Moriuchi, Takahiro claimed by

Park Shin Hye
Park Shin Hye claimed by

Pony Canyon
LIA claimed by

Shikata Akiko
Shikata Akiko claimed by Xe/Amar

Sho Sakurai
Sho Sakurai claimed by

Hyun Joong Kim claimed by

Kim Heechul claimed by
Lee Dong Hae claimed by
Yesung claimed by

Takahashi Masuda
Takahashi Masuda claimed by clk222

The Gazette
Reita claimed by
Ruki claimed by
Kai is Claimed by

Kim JaeJoong claimed by

Utada Hikaru
Utada Hikaru Claimed by

Takuya is Claimed by

Wes Dening
Wes Dening claimed by

Xian Lim
Xian Lim claimed by

Yoshioka Yui
Yoshioka Yui claimed by

Yuya Matsushita
Yuya Matsushita claimed by

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 19:35:17
Name of the Actor/Singer: Kim Heechul
Nation : South Korea
I'll make it. Or I'll let you know if you can make it.

P.S. I can also help with making the claims.

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 19:45:43
Name of the Actor/Singer: Gates, Synester
Series Name: Avenged Sevenfold Lead Guitarist
Nation : American
A link to the Image of the character:
Zero, please make me banner, thank you

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 20:08:11
Name of the Actor/Singer: Lee Seung-hyun (aka Seung Ri)
Series Name: Singer: BIG BANG
Nation : South Korea

I'd like to try and make it

(\/)      "In order to learn the most important lessons of life,
( ..)      one must each day surmount a fear."
c(")(")   -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 20:16:39 (edited 2010-09-22 16:08:20)
This is an awesome idea Zero!! >w<

Name of the Actor/Singer: Matsushita, Yuya
Series Name: Actor: Kansahi Boyfriend (movie), Toki o Kakeru Shojo (movie); Singer: None
Nation : Japan
Image(s): Image 1, Image 2, Image 3 <~~~I would prefer pic #3 to be the claim icon xD

Hopefully good enough pics. If not, let me know and I'll try to find different ones, but you're more than welcome to find something that works better for you :3

If you don't mind making me a banner and claim icon Zero...I would greatly appreciate it >w< Thanks in advance!!


Okie dokie Zero, no hurry :3

*edit edit*

Thanks Zero, it's looks awesome! :D

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 20:44:36 (edited 2010-09-22 15:00:56)
K fharis, your claim banner is done.

@BTL K done, hope you like it.

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 20:57:41
@ Zero-san
Nice take on a pre-existing concept, hopefully this will be as popular as the other one.

I'll take you up on your offer but i do not need a banner though. Thanks!

Name of the Actor/Singer: LIA
Series Name: Singer: formerly I've now Queens Label/Pony Canyon
Nation : Japan

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by nekaneka33 on 2010-09-21 21:18:49
Name of the Actor/Singer: MC Mong
Series Name: None
Nation : South Korea
A link to the Image of the character:
(( sorry if the picture is too big >.< ))
I just want a "claimed" icon. Thankies sooo much~! <3


Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 21:49:21
Oh yay!!! :)

My application:
Name of the Actor/Singer: Sakamoto, Maaya
Series Name: None
Nation : Japan
Image: Maaya01

Oh yes, please make the banner for me, Zero. :) Thank youu ^^

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 21:54:30
Name of Actor: Chuck Norris
Series Name: Walker Texas Ranger; he also guest starred in the movie Dodgeball
Nation: USA

I'll make my own banne/icon.

Tales of FC

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by red_13 on 2010-09-21 22:00:20 (edited 2010-09-21 22:01:07)
Name of Singer/Actor: Kotobuki Minako

Series: K-ON

Nation: Japan

I will make my own banner, thanks.

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 22:38:47 (edited 2010-09-21 22:44:29)
Name of Singer/Actor: Lee Hong Ki
Series: You're Beautiful
Band: F.T Island
Nation: South Korea

Please make the banner and Icon ZERO thanks :DD

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 23:37:11 (edited 2010-09-21 23:43:21)

Name of the Actor/Singer: Toyosaki, Aki
Series Name: None
Nation : Japan
A link to the Image of the character: [HERE]

Banner & icon pl0x. Thx!

EDIT: Decided to make this thread sticky. This looks fun... XD

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-21 23:48:45 (edited 2010-09-21 23:51:25)
Name of the Actor/Singer: Reita from the GazettE
Series Name: None.
Nation : Japan
A link to the Image of the character:

Banner and icon please, Zero~

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2010-09-22 05:28:47
This is serious stuff, I'm claiming Lord GaGa right now!

Name: Lady GaGa
Series Name: None
Nation: America

Banner/Icon makers, feel free to use any image of her.

P.S: Sorry Lat, I guess you have to go with Ke$ha. :P

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by Lando on 2010-09-22 06:33:21 (edited 2010-09-22 06:42:17)
ah, another claim thread! this time its real life famous people! Okay... i'll be claiming... Ken Hirai!

Name: Ken Hirai
Series Name: None
Nation: Japanese
Pics of the person: 1 2

Banner/Icon makers please do make this claim for me~

P.S.: Feel free to use any pics of him

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-22 08:10:30 (edited 2010-09-23 08:42:55)
@Shae, your claim banner is done

@Shin; your claim banner is done.

@Lacus, your claim banner is done, hope you like it.

@Senna;your claim banner is done, hope you like it.

@LNDN and etc; I shall work on your banners later on today. Wait for it.

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by H on 2010-09-22 10:41:58
this is pretty nice!

Name of the Actor/Singer: Inaba, Koshi
Series Name: B'z
Nation : Japan
A link to the Image of the character: Claim Icon and Banner (just Koshi)

lol poor Zero got lots of work to do, any banner makers can do it for me

thanks in advance man!

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-22 11:56:21
I think claiming an actual person is a bit weird... But... /joins in anyway

Name of Singer: Itou, Kanako
Series: None
Nation: Japan
Link to Image: Here
Banner/Icon?: Just a banner is fine, I don't need an icon. Also, any banner maker can make it (I see Zero's a bit busy XD).

Re: Claim an voice actor/actor/singer
Link | by on 2010-09-22 16:42:44
Singer: Kyo
Band: Dir En Grey
Nation: Japan
Pic: Any is fine.

Thanx :)

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

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