See other polls! Poll: Would you want your bf/gf to act like your favorite character?
I'd want my bf/gf to be who they are, not act like someone else.
38 55.07%
Wouldn't care.
10 14.49%
My girlfriend is my favorite character !! FOREVER ALONE
6 8.70%
It'd be nice if my bf/gf acted a little more like my favorite character.
5 7.25%
Of course! That's my dream!
4 5.80%
I can separate real world and anime world.
2 2.90%
Maybe a little bit of both.
2 2.90%
My bf/gf already acts like my favorite character.
2 2.90%
I'd only be with him/her in the first place if they acted like my favorite character. 0 0.00%

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