Lyrics for Kaze to Oka no Ballad from Nodame Cantabile: Finale by Real Paradis (Ending #1)

Ah nadaraka na saka wo kudaru kara no suutsukesu furikaeru to
tooku hikaru akai yane kono oka no ie kyou dete iku

watashi wa itsumo kouyatte kita shi souyatte iku shi
kaze no tsuyoi asa ga niau no mukaikaze umaku noreru yo

subete wo te ni irete
subete wo ushinatte
kioku yubi no aida surinukete mo
kokoro nara koko ni tatte
soshite once again arukidasu yo

subete wo te ni irete
subete wo ushinatte
shiroi PEEJI dake ga nokosarete mo
kono mune kibou no hi wa always bright

why? sou toitsumete taisetsu na hito komaraseta hi kowashita yume
kabe no mukou mita koto mo nai keshiki ga mieta omoi agatte

tabi tori wa ima hane wo yasume nemuri ni tsuku ashita no asa
migaru na mono hodo tooku he toberu hazudayo

hito wa nando datte shiawase ni nareru to
oshiete kureta hito ima sayonara
atarashii machi wo omou
kitto believe myself mata deau yo

subete wo te ni irete
subete wo ushinatte
shiroi PEEJI dake ga nokosarete mo
kono mune kibou no hi wa kienai

ima tadashi ikayori tadashi katta to omoidaseru you ni
taiyou no shita te wo futte aruku

subete wo te ni irete
subete wo ushinatte
kioku yubi no aida surinukete mo
kokoro nara koko ni tatte
soshite once again arukidasu yo

subete wo te ni irete
subete wo ushinatte
shiroi PEEJI dake ga nokosarete mo
kono mune kibou no hi wa always bright
Ah なだらかな 坂をくだる 空のスーツケース 振り返ると
遠く光る 赤い屋根 この丘の家 今日出ていくわ

私はいつも こうやってきたし そうやっていくし
風の強い 朝が似合うの 向かい風 うまく乗れるよ

すべてを手に入れて すべてを失って
記憶 指のあいだ すり抜けても
心なら ここに立ってる
そして once again 歩きだすよ

すべてを手に入れて すべてを失って
白い ページだけが 残されても
この胸 希望の灯は always blight

why? そう問い詰めて 大切な人 困らせた日 壊した夢
壁の向こう 見たこともない 景色が見えた 思い上がってた

旅鳥はいま 羽を休め 眠りにつく 明日の朝
身軽な者ほど 遠くへ 飛べるはずだよ

人は何度だって 幸せになれると
教えてくれた人 いまさよなら
新しい 街を思う
きっと believe myself また出会うよ

すべてを手に入れて すべてを失って
白い ページだけが 残されても
この胸 希望の灯は消えない

いま正しいかより 正しかったと思い出せるように
太陽の下 手を振って 歩く

すべてを手に入れて すべてを失って
記憶 指のあいだ すり抜けても
心なら ここに立ってる
そして once again 歩きだすよ

すべてを手に入れて すべてを失って
白い ページだけが 残されても
この胸 希望の灯は always blight
Ah, I'm on my way now, but if I look far enough back up the gentle slope of the hill,
I'll see the shiny red roof of the house I'm leaving today, wheeling my empty suitcase.

I've always done things this way, no different now than when I arrived.
I'm suited for mornings when the wind is strong. I'll just catch the next current out of here.

Everything I gain, I'll soon lose again.
Though memories slip through my fingers,
my heart will always be with me.
And then, once again, I start walking away.

Everything I gain, I'll soon lose again.
Even if I have to rip out all the pages but the blank ones,
hope shines in my heart, always bright.

Asking "why," I pushed things too far that day and bothered someone special to me.
My dream was ruined, but I thought I saw a place past that wall, and I started thinking too much of myself.

The migrating birds are asleep for the night, resting their wings now,
but, when morning comes, they'll fly far away, leaving their problems behind.

People find happiness over and over
then say farewell to those who are kind enough to remember them.
Imagining my new home, I'm sure,
if I believe in myself, I can make new friends.

Everything I gain, I'll soon lose again.
Even if I have to rip out all the pages but the blank ones,
the hope shining in my heart will never go out.

Rather than considering whether what I'm doing now is right, I'll remember times in my life when I didn't make mistakes,
give a wave in the sunlight, and keep going.

Everything I gain, I'll soon lose again.
Though memories slip through my fingers,
my heart will always be with me.
And then, once again, I start walking away.

Everything I gain, I'll soon lose again.
Even if I have to rip out all the pages but the blank ones,
hope shines in my heart, always bright.
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