Lyrics for Ryuusei no Namida from Gundam UC by Chiaki Kuriyama (Ending #1)

Sail ima bokura o nose kogidasu sekai de
kaze wa oto mo tatezu ni yureteru
Same itsuka otozureru deai mo wakare mo
hitotsu no oki no naka

donna ni hanarete sorezore no asa
mukaetemo omoi wa kawa ranai

hora kimi no ima made ga boku no naka ni arukara
hitori dakedo hitori janai mou sabishikunantenai kara
higa shizun demo hoshi ga matatakanakute mo
sora watsunagatteiru itsudemo

Fly ryoute de toraeta hikousen wa ima
doko e mukai tondeikundarou
Cry namida wa shitteru hontou no imi o
kanashimi no tsuzuki o

donna ni tsumetai ame no yoru demo
mimi o sumaseba kikoetekuru

kimi no koe o kanjite dokomade datte yukeru
osorerumono wa nanimonai tsuyosa mo yowasa mo zenbu daite
higa nobotte mo hoshi wa matatakitterundarou
hikari to kage no youni bokura mo

ashimoto kasumeta teikuu hikou no tori ni
boku wa sukoshi dake kamaeta attoiuma
kinou to ashita noaidano
tomadoi mo zawameki mo

la lai lala lai lalai la lalalai lalalai lala
a lai lala lai lalai la lalalai lalalai lala

hora kimi no ima made ga boku no naka ni arukara
hitori dakedo hitori janai mou sabishikunantenai yo
higa shizun demo hoshi ga matatakanakutemo
sora wa tsunagatteiru itsudemo

hakanai yoake no hate

Sail 今僕らを乗せ 漕ぎ出す世界で
Same いつか訪れる 出会いも別れも

どんなに離れて それぞれの朝
迎えても 想いは変わらない

ほら 君のいままでが 僕の中にあるから
一人だけど一人じゃない もう寂しくなんてないから
陽が沈んでも 星が瞬かなくても
空はつながっている いつでも

Fly 両手で捉えた 飛行船は今
どこへ向かい 飛んで行くんだろう
Cry 涙は知ってる 本当の意味を

どんなに冷たい 雨の夜でも
耳をすませば 聞こえてくる

君の声を感じて どこまでだって行ける
怖れるものは何もない 強さも弱さもぜんぶ抱いて
陽が昇っても 星は瞬いてるんだろう
光と影のように 僕らも...

足元かすめた 低空飛行の鳥に
僕はすこしだけ 構えた あっという間
戸惑いも ざわめきも

la lai lala lai lalai la lalalai lalalai lala
la lai lala lai lalai la lalalai lalalai lala

ほら 君のいままでが 僕の中にあるから
一人だけど一人じゃない もう寂しくなんてないよ
陽が沈んでも 星が瞬かなくても
空はつながっている いつでも

Sail – now take us aboard – in this world rowing forward,
Winds and sounds are wavering indecisively.
Same – someday we'll visit – meetings and partings,
All in one moment.

No matter how far apart we are, even as I face each morning,
My feelings won’t change.

See, because the you I've known up to now is inside of me,
I'm not alone even when I'm by myself. I'm not lonely at all anymore.
Even if the sun sinks, even if the stars flicker out,
The sky is linking us, all the time.

Fly – the ship you seized with both hands
Will now set out wherever it's facing.
Cry – I understand your tears – their real meaning,
The lasting sadness.

No matter how cold the rainy nights may be,
If you listen closely, you'll hear it in time.

I sense your voice, and I can go anywhere.
There's nothing to be afraid of. Embrace strength and weakness together!
Even if the sun rises, aren't the stars still there?
We too are like light and shadow...

As the low-flying birds faded out of sight beneath me,
I was only a little concerned.
Then in a flash, the confusion and commotion
Between yesterday and tomorrow

See, because the you I've known up to now is inside of me,
I'm not alone even when I'm by myself. I'm not lonely at all anymore!
Even if the sun sinks, even if the stars flicker out,
The sky is linking us, all the time.

Until the fleeting dawn...

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