Lyrics for Kaze to Oka no Ballad (TV Size) from Nodame Cantabile: Finale by Real Paradis (Ending #1)

aa nadaraka na saka wo kudaru kara no SUUTSUKEESU
furikaeru to tooku hikaru akai yane
kono oka no ie kyou dete iku
watashi wa itsumo kouyatte kita shi
souyatte iku shi
kaze no tsuyoi asa ga niau no
mukaikaze umaku noreru yo

subete wo te ni irete
subete wo ushinatte
kioku yubi no aida surinukete mo
kokoro nara koko ni tatte
soshite ONCE AGAIN arukidasu yo

subete wo te ni irete
subete wo ushinatte
shiroi PEEJI dake ga nokosarete mo
kono mune kibou no hi wa ALWAYS BRIGHT
あぁ なだらかな 坂を下る 空のスーツケース
振り返ると 遠く光る 赤い屋根 
この丘の家 今日出て行く
私はいつも こうやってきたし 
風の強い 朝が似あうの 
向かい風 甘く乗れるよ

全てを手にいれて 全てを失って 記憶指の間 すり抜けても
心ならここに立って そして once again 歩き出すよ

全てを手にいれて 全てを失って 白いページだけが残されも
この胸 希望の日は always bright
Ah, I'm going down a gentle slope with an empty suitcase.
When I look back, I see a shiny red roof in the distance.
I'm leaving this house on the hill today.

I've always done it like this
and I will continue to do so.
I look my best on windy mornings.
I'm sure I can catch a good head wind.

I gain everything
and I lose everything.
Everything is slipping through my fingers,
but my heart is still standing here,
and once again, I will start walking.

I gain everything
and I lose everything.
When I'm left with a blank page,
the fire of hope in my heart is always bright.
On the third line where it's "kono oka no", it actually sounds like "kono ka no". I slowed down audio and there is no "o" in "oka". I don't speak Japanese myself but I think it's something for more experienced translators to look at.


-- by coffeecoffee at 2011-01-02 23:54:27

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