Lyrics for Saga ~This is My Road~ from Guin Saga by Kanon (Ending #1)

Benedictus qui venit
In nomine
In nomine Domini
Osanna in excelsis

This is my road michibikarete
Here I stand koko ni iru

tsukihi ga oshiete kureta
yakusoku wa hoshi no kanata
chichi to haha no tooi omokage
hitomi tojireba kikoeru koe

This is my road aruite yuku
hateshinai toki wo koete
This is my life tobira hiraki
sadame to tomo ni
ima michi wo kizande yuku

ibara no michi wo nukete
mada minu anata no moto e
itsuwari no nai ai wo motomete
hitomi sorasazu inori tsuzukeru

This is my road aruite yuku
kagirinai toki wo koete
This is my life tobira hiraki
mirai no chizu ni
ima michi ga kizamareteku

This is a journey, a great journey
I can see the light, the path
The light of hope, happiness, and peace
And it’ll take me home

This is my road aruite yuku
hateshinai toki wo koete
This is my life tobira hiraki
anata to tomo ni
ima michi wo kizande yuku

Benedictus qui venit
In nomine
In nomine Domini
Osanna in excelsis

This is my road 導(みちび)かれて
here I stand ここにいる
月日(つきひ)が 教(おし)えてくれた
約束(やくそく)は 星(ほし)のかなた

父(ちち)と母(はは)の 遠(とお)い記憶(おもかげ)
瞳(ひとみ)閉(と)じれば 聞(き)こえる声(こえ)

This is my road 歩(ある)いてゆく
果(は)てしない 時(とき)を超(こ)えて
This is my life 扉(とびら)開(ひら)き
今(いま) 伝説(みち)を刻(きざ)んでゆく

まだ見(み)ぬ 貴方(あなた)のもとへ


This is my road 歩(ある)いてゆく
限(かぎ)りない 時(とき)を超(こ)えて
This is my life 扉(とびら)開(ひら)き
今(いま) 伝説(みち)が刻(きざ)まれてく

(This is a journey. a great journey
I can see the light,the path,the light of hope,
happinese,and peace
And it will take me home)

This is my road 歩(ある)いてゆく
果(は)てしない 時(とき)を超(こ)えて
This is my life 扉(とびら)開(ひら)き
今(いま) 伝説(みち)を刻(きざ)んでゆく

Blessed is He who comes
In the name
In the name of the Lord
Hosanna in the highest

This is my road, being led
Here I stand, I’m here

the promise that the days and years
have taught me is beyond the stars
the far memories(remnants) of father and mother
the voices I can hear when I close my eyes

This is my road, I will walk
as I overcome the endless time
This is my life, I will open the door and
together with my destiny(fate)
I will carve the legend(path)

I pass through the thorny path
and head towards you, who I can’t see yet
seeking love without any falsehood
I continue to pray without looking away

This is my road, I will walk
as I overcome the endless time
This is my life, I open the door and
on tomorrow’s(future’s) map
the legend(path) continues to be carved out

This is a journey, a great journey
I can see the light, the path
the light of hope, happiness, and peace
and it’ll take me home

This is my road, I will walk
as I overcome the endless time
This is my life, I will open the door and
together with you
I will carve the legend(path)

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