Lyrics for Happy Xmas from Shugo Chara!! Doki by Kanae Itou (Episode 63 Insert)

(watashi kara MERRY CHRISTMAS
sekaijuu ni MERRY CHRISTMAS)

Fuwari fuwari sora kara furitsumoru shiroi hane
Fuyu no RIZUMU ni notte DANSU shiteru mitai
Kitakaze ga sasayaite mimimoto tsumetai ke de
Katappo dake no tebukuro tsunagu te wa attakai ne

Kokoro tokimeiteru kirameku IRUMINASHON
Surechigau hito tachi mo ureshi sou da ne

SANTA KUROOSU ni aetara nani wo onegai shiyou
Kimi ga issho dattara sore dake de Happy Christmas

Ichigo ga takusan notta amai KEEKI o yaku yo
Se no takai tsurii no teppen ni hoshi o kazarou

Haruka tooi kuni no dokoka no ie demo
TEEBURU o kakonde oiwai shiteru

Atarimae no shiawase ichiban taisetsu nano
Daisuki na hito tachi to waraiau Happy Christmas
Sekaijuu no minna ga shiawase de aru you ni
Yamu koto nai shiawase furitsuzuku Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas

(watashi kara MERRY CHRISTMAS)

(sekaijuu ni MERRY CHRISTMAS)

(私から Merry Christmas
世界じゅうに Merry Christmas)

ふわりふわり空から 降り積もる白い羽
冬のリズムにのって ダンスしてるみたい
北風がささやいて 耳元冷たいけど
かたっぽだけの手袋 つなぐ手はあったかいね

心ときめいてる きらめくイルミネーション
すれちがう人たちも うれしそうだね

サンタクロースに会えたら 何をおねがいしよう??
君が一緒だったら それだけで Happy Xmas

いちごがたくさんのった 甘いケーキを焼くよ
背の高いツリーの てっぺんに星を飾ろう

はるか遠い国の どこかの家でも
テーブルを囲んで お祝いしてる

あたり前の幸せ 一番大切なの
大好きな人たちと 笑いあう Happy Xmas

止むことない幸せ 降り続く Happy Xmas

Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas

(私から Merry Christmas)

(世界じゅうに Merry Christmas)

(From me, Merry Christmas
Throughout the world, Merry Christmas)

Softly, softly, from the sky, white feathers pile up,
Ride the winter rhythm, and dance.
The wind from the north whispers, and your ears are cold but
The glove that wraps your hand is warm, don't you think?

Fluttering hearts, glittering Christmas lights [Illumination]
The people passing by each other look happy, too, don't they?

When we meet Santa Claus, what will we ask for?
When I'm with you, with only that, it's a happy Christmas.

We'll bake a cake with lots of strawberries on top
And decorate a tree with a star at the top.

In a far away, distant land, in a house
They gather around a table, and celebrate, too.

Obvious happiness is the most important
Laughing with the people you love, happy Christmas.

Everyone in the entire worlds is happy.
Happiness that never stops will continue to rain down.

Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas

(From me, Merry Christmas)
The last translation looked like it came from a translation machine, so I changed it. It's no perfect, but it's much closer, as in at least one instance the machine translated the exact opposite of the original meaning --ctemomo

-- by cetmomo at 2011-12-12 01:38:16

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